Replies by michelle2879

Replies 1 - 10

Try gitta order it but its supposed to be really helpful with lp phase defects. Worth a try though my take a month or two for effects. I'm not a fan of the soy. Can cause more issues than benefits in my opinion :)

7 years ago
Reply to Soy isoflavones


U too needed to lose A LOT of weight to get cycles under control to have any chance. I have pcos and it really ducks. Anyway if you can check with your general MD and see if they will let you take phentermine to help you start losing weight. Its not meant to be taken for more than a few months but I've lost almost 60 pounds with it :) I feel fabulous and my cycles are down to a normal 34 days. I'm not pregnant but chances have increased :) its so worth it if your family healthy. I lost 10 pounds the first month on the lowest dose. Just some food for thought to help with the weight loss. I know how hard and frustrating it is!

7 years ago
Reply to Weight and Ovulation



I don't know why anyone would be upset by your post. I most likely will never conceive but I know you have had trouble too even so it didn't make me mad :) What's makes us mad is when some seem to flaunt how easy it was for them or upset because they didnt conceive their 5th child on the first try. There is just NO ONE who would deserve to go through what you and your family must be. I'm glad your teeny tiny little one is doing well and hope she gets stronger and wishes and prayers all stay healthy and strong!!

8 years ago
Reply to My preemie is in the NICU


I feel your pain :( I've been at this for almost 5 years and not a single hint of a line either. My workplace there like five pregnant ladies one sat behind she just had hers yesterday and another is across from me she has seven weeks left. I got to sit here day after day listening to them talk about it all about the babies moving and whatever. Got hear them whine and complain about the aches and pains I would sell my soul to experience. Hang in there hopefully we will are destined soon for our chance as well :)

8 years ago
Reply to 2 1/2 Years.....


I've been on metformin a long time. I found out that of course take it with a fairly nice sized meal but take it with a glass of milk. Something about the milk help with side effects :) Good luck! It can really help :)

8 years ago
Reply to Well Something's Happening...


Not being negative just trying to be realistic.....would it be this easy after almost five years trying? There is nothing more that I want than two see two lines :) I know rationally it is too early for true signs lol I just wanted a BIG boom to know without a doubt there is a baby :) If not guess I'll just have to wait....I just didn't want my cycles to keep being this long. Guess I'll have to pull out a workout video and work on crunches lol they say nothing brings on ad better than a good workout especially with abs!!

8 years ago
Reply to Testing tonight!


Sorry for typos dang autocorrect lol message me if you want to. I'm not a doctor but do tons of research and been through a lot myself :)

8 years ago
Reply to Anyone using Vitex with irregular cycles?


I would follow up with your doctor. Your cycles aren't that irregular even with the 40 day ones. I see possible blood work to rule out pcos. Maybe try a diet change reduce carbs just in the event you do have a mild case if pcos it will help. Voted can help but it can hurt. I have pcos and cited did absolutely nothing. It's natural so you have to take it regularly and a lot of it and it can take three months to make any changes to your symptoms. To be honest not sure of tour age but I'd go straight to an M.D. I wanted too long to do something myself and I regret it as I am aging quickly lol if you think there could be a problem don't be afraid to speak with even your general doctor. It sucks having crazy cycles. Do you monitor with ovulation strips just to get an idea of what your lh levels are?

8 years ago
Reply to Anyone using Vitex with irregular cycles?


I'm sorry you had to have that kind of experience :( I had one once with a doctor and will take that kind of abuse from a professional who is there to give their knowledge and help. Is there another specialist you cansee? ItsIt's not to late to start again. II'd make some calls get my meds start them and go from there. I know how uncomfortable and kinda painful that can be :( it will be okay though! Just see about a different doctor and hope letrozole works....clomid did absolutely nothing for me but letrozole did!! With so many less side effects as well! Either way I hope this cycle works for you and you can the md to eff off!!! Really I wonder about them sometimes...

8 years ago
Reply to One of them days part 2


It's always exciting to know something is fixable :) Try a PCOS diet and even though your not a fatty lol see about exercising. I to have PCOS pretty bad though BUT since I've lost a lot of weight it's been a complete turn around! I am truly shocked at what a difference it has made. It's beatable and glad you have other choices now!

8 years ago
Reply to Dr. Appt
