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Anyone get a bfp with Clomid and Progesterone?

I have been ttc #2 for 6 cycles. My DD was one cycle and BAM...I was pregnant. This time around has been quite difficult. My doctor put me on clomid (50 mg cycle days 3-7) last month because my cycles have gotten shorter since the birth of my daughter and he thought it might boost my follicles. Well it did help with giving me 2 mature follies but I got a bfn.

So now I am starting clomid again but he is adding progesterone suppositories into my equation starting after I ovulate. My luteal phase is 10/11 days but I tend to spot and he thinks maybe my progesterone is low thus causing implantation to not occur.

I have searched high and low and cannot find anyone in my same there anyone out there that has gotten a bfp from clomid and prog? Could this be my saving grace?

Thank you!

9 Answers • 10 years ago



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Answers (sorted by laughs)

1 - 9 of 9 Answers

I haven't started any Clomid or Progresterone yet, but otherwise our stories sound the same. Been trying for 5 months for baby #2. Got pregnant the first month with baby #1! In the past few months, my cycles have been getting shorter and shorter and I'm having spotting before and after my period, which I've NEVER had before. Starting to get frustrated as it seems too early to see a doctor about this, yet I feel that I will need something to regulate my cycles more since they're getting shorter and shorter with lots of spotting and almost all dark brown blood (sorry, TMI). Did you see your doctor for the first time after 6 months ttc? Just curious how long to wait. Good luck to you!

10 years ago

Hi Linds! I am 32 years old so after 5 months of trying I actually saw my doctor. My daughter is 19 months so I really want to have another child somewhat close to her in age. He had no problem immediately putting me on Clomid just to jump start everything. I was really disappointed when I started my period a few days ago. I called him immediately and he suggested the progesterone be added which will hopefully stop my spotting and make my luteal phase longer. For all I know I might have no fertility issues...maybe I am just not patient enough since it has only been 6 cycles! I do believe if you are over 30 then your doctor will be comfortable prescribing you Clomid after 6 months of ttc. Mine would have probably given it to me sooner just because my friend works with him but I waited 5 cycles and I thought to myself that I have nothing to lose. Good luck! Keep me posted:)

10 years ago • Post starter

i have some experience, but no BFP yet :( my thyroid jacked up my cycles, and they have finally been 'normal' the last few months. problem was my LP was only about 10 days. so the doctor had me try progesterone supplementation one cycle, which did get me to 17/18 DPO. next 2 cycles we did clomid hoping i'd 'ovulate better' and result in a better corpus luteum to secrete progesterone. well the first cycle i moved from 3.2 to 7, but still too low. this cycle on clomid i made two follicles and this thursday is my progesterone check to see if i get better than 7!

TTC #1 since October 2012. Me: Diagnosed with Graves' (Feb. 2013) and Celiac (July 2013) disease. Doctor suspicious of stage I endometriosis (Jan. 2014) DH: SA very good in Jan. 2014 Me:30 DH:29 April 14th first BFP!!! EDD is Dec. 26th! please send !!! User Image User Image

10 years ago

Firsttimemommy30...let me know what your levels are! I hope this is your round. I think it's odd that my doctor hasn't even checked my progesterone levels! I guess I'm glad he's letting me take it because in my heart I think that's the problem but I still find it strange. I just can't find anyone who took clomid and progesterone and it ended with a bfp. I've searched the Internet and found maybe a handful. If you see any stories please share:)

10 years ago • Post starter

I am 32 as well and my son is 19.5 months old... really want the kids close in age! I also developed hypothyroidism after baby #1, and even though I'm on Synthroid and my blood work is stable, I still feel that is what is messing up my cycles (possibly). Maybe I will need some fertility help this time around. So weird how different it can be ttc baby #1 vs baby #2. I guess I should make a doctor's appointment soon! :)

10 years ago

Wow, you're right, our stories are similar! I would love to hear when you finally get your bfp... Because you will:) If you do choose to try clomid I'd like to know what your doctor thinks of clomid and progesterone. Good luck and fingers crossed for us both!

10 years ago • Post starter

My progesterone came back at 4.4 (3.3-25.6). Way too low :(. Doc is having me start progesterone tonight for 7 days and see what happens

TTC #1 since October 2012. Me: Diagnosed with Graves' (Feb. 2013) and Celiac (July 2013) disease. Doctor suspicious of stage I endometriosis (Jan. 2014) DH: SA very good in Jan. 2014 Me:30 DH:29 April 14th first BFP!!! EDD is Dec. 26th! please send !!! User Image User Image

10 years ago

Im on my 8th cycle of clomid and my body didnt respond to the clomid until i was on 200mg (cycle 4) and it resulted in a chemical pregnancy :( the following month i was on 200mg again and my body failed to respond at the same dose. The following month on 250mg i got pregnant again but i had an early miscarriage. It was only by coincidence that i tested my progesterone level when i had bhcg level a that it had dropped from 60.7 to 1.7 in just over a week. i was put on progesterone that day but it was too late :( The following month i was on 250mg again but my cycle was weird. I had a progesterone of 6.7 at about 7days post ovulation so i started progesterone 2 pessaries per day for 3 days which brought prog to 30 but it dropped to 9 3 days later on 1 pessary per day. Im seeing the RE in a week to get a second opinion as to whether low progesterone caused both miscarriages and why it dropped.

 BabyFruit Ticker

10 years ago

Do you think I should have him check my progesterone this cycle and see what it is naturally or just go straight to the suppositories of progesterone like we are planning?? I get my follicle check tomorrow and that's when he will give me the suppositories to take after I ovulate. He has never checked my actual numbers. I am basically forcing him to put me on the supplements. What numbers are considered good for progesterone levels?

10 years ago • Post starter

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