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How do I use opks?

This will be the first cycle I use opk's, and I have no clue how to use them or when to start using them.

What time of day? I know you don't use fmu.
Do you use them once or twice per day?
Around what cycle day do you start using them?

My cycles are a little erratic. Any where from 28 days to 34 and I was going by EWCM but I don't seem to be catching when it happens or if it is even happening.

Any help would be awesome. Thanks

Jessica User Image

2 Answers • 12 years ago



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Answers (sorted by laughs)

1 - 2 of 2 Answers

You want to do them twice a day. Once in the mid morning, like 10am and then again in the late afternoon. This way you will have a better chance of catching your LH surge.

I would start testing on CD10/11 and continue until you get the line that is equally dark or darker than the control line. I kept testing until it the line started to fade (CD16). But ideally your surge lasts 12-48hrs (low-end and high end) Mine lasted about 36hrs. I bought the Target brand of the OPK's which gave me 20 tests.. 10 days testing 2 times a day. I have like 5 left over that I may use closer to when my AF is due (14dpo) to see if it can read any HCG. I don't want to waste a Clear Blue Digital!

Keep bd'ing CD11-17 and you should be in good shape :) I hope this helped!


12 years ago

Thanks so much! that was a great help.

We are taking a few cycles break and I figured why not see if I'm even Oing. And if I am how long my LP is.

DH seems to be more excited about this than I am... I think when I said I would get 2 lines after a few days his ears perked up hahaha! He just wants to see 2 lines i think.

Jessica User Image

12 years ago • Post starter

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