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Success stories with low progesterone.

I started trying to get pregnant in May. I finally got pregnant in December, only to have a miscarriage. They did blood work on me and Ihave low progesterone. I am now taking pills for it. Does anyone have success stories where they got pregnant after being told they have low progesterone.

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3 Answers • 11 years ago



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Answers (sorted by hugs)

1 - 3 of 3 Answers

My sister has had 5 or 6 m/c. They finally figured out that she has low progesterone. She has gone on to have 4 beautiful boys and is currently pg with baby #7. When she was ttc she would use progesterone after she O'd until she tested and if it was a BFN she would stop so af could show up. GL!

11 years ago

I had a miscarriage in 2007 at seven weeks 3 days. I was to see the doctor for my first appointment at 8 weeks. A few years later I got pregnant again and saw the doc at 6 weeks (due to previous MC) and was determined to have low progesterone. I was started on pills and delivered a healthy and beautiful baby girl in 2010. I am again pregnant (32 weeks) and had blood work at 4 weeks, my progesterone was borderline low so they put me on progesterone vaginal suppositories for the first trimester. So far everything looks great!!! All my doctors seem to think that my first miscarriage was due to low progesterone! Hang in there!!!! Good luck!

11 years ago

I'm currently taking progesterone but had a healthy almost 9 pound baby last year taking progesterone twice a day. So far my level are 35 which is really high so I'm going to keep what I'm doing. Go to vitamin shop and very natural progesterone cream and use it as soon as you get bfp and make doctor appointment to see doctor. The cream really works I used it 3 times a day and my baby stuck until I was put on the pill. Good luck don't give up. My mom had 6 mc until she had to be put on progesterone spots.

11 years ago

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