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TTC after Misoprostol! Anyone?!

On January 7th and our 15th week of pregnancy, we found out our twins had suffered early fetal demise and their hearts had stopped beating at around the 8th week. I chose to wait to miscarry naturally but nothing happened and it was torture, so I opted for being induced with Misoprostol on January 27th. My water broke Jan. 28th and I delivered the sac in tact with the two babies on the morning of January 30th. I got a full and normal period on Feb. 24th and my estimated ovulation day was March 11ish. I tested today and got a negative 13dpo (suspected). How long did it take to get pregnant for those with missed miscarriage and misoprostol or D&C? My husband and I had sex every other day during the suspected week of ovulation, which I measured by observing my cervical fluid. Does anyone have any experience with this that they can share? I'm obsessing and I know I ovulated so why am I not pregnant! AHHHH!

2 Answers • 11 years ago



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Answers (sorted by laughs)

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Hello, sorry for you loss. I had a TFMR, (termination for medical reasons) with Misoprostol, at 14 weeks of pregnancy. My baby had Downs and very severe heart abnormalities, and would not have made it to term. We could have waited for a miscarriage, but I decided not to. I gave birth to my baby in hospital, and also I continued to chart my BBT to get an idea of what my body was doing and how it was recovering. We started to ttc straight away which is when I felt ready. This all happened in August 2012, and we are still ttc, my consultant has said I have a good supply of eggs and im fit and healthy and should't have any problems ttc, nice to hear seeing im 41 years old. My cycles went back to normal quite quickly. Im was getting a bit obsessed to get pregnancy quickly afterwards. Im just taking each cycle as it comes now, and trying to take it easy. Baby dust to you. xx

11 years ago

Thanks for your response Kittyrugs. And I'm also very sorry for your loss. It's good to hear that you are in a healthy state and will eventually conceive again. Baby dust right back to you! xoxoxo

11 years ago • Post starter

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