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What does uterus stretching feel like?

I'm about 8 DPO. On 4 DPO, I had terrible cramps. Now, I have this bizarre sensation in my lower belly. It feels like there's a pool ball rolling around in there. I have no idea how to describe it. More of a pushing feeling than a pulling feeling, or... cramps, but not painful? Just squeezing? I'm trying not to get my hopes up, but this is definitely something I've never felt before.

4 Answers • 11 years ago



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1 - 4 of 4 Answers

Your uterus will not stretch at 4-8dpo. The egg, at the earliest, would implant on 6dpo and there is no stretching that happens at that point. The egg is smaller than the head of a pin. The only sensation you might feel is a short twinge of cramping, if anything, during implantation.

Me...33 Hubby...34 Nov 2002...high risk pregnancy, preterm labor @ 31wks, held in our son until 37wks, born 7lbs, 20in October 2007...blighted ovum @ 6w4d, D&C October 2012...fetal death @7w4d subchorionic hematoma, D&C, 46 chromosomes, normal female Waiting to TTC until June!

11 years ago

I had more of an pinching cramp that came and went throughout the day at 8dpo. It turned out to be implantation cramps for me. Currently 4 weeks and cramps still strong

11 years ago

This would more than likely be implantation cramps or pre period cramps. The pulling and stretching doesnt really start happening until your at least 6-7 weeks pregnant when baby goes through all the growth spurt. Fingers crossed for you that your egg is nesting at the moment and thats what your feeling!! :O)

11 years ago

I felt stabbing pains in my side. And the stretching felt later on felt like ovulation pain, but some ppl say it feels like AF cramps

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11 years ago

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