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second thoughts about a much wanted pregnancy?

I feel awful. No, abortion is NOT an answer. but im freaking out a little now. having second thoughts as to if a child is right for me.. this feeling came out of no where... Anyone else ever have this feeling??

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10 Answers • 10 years ago



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Answers (sorted by hugs)

1 - 10 of 10 Answers

I think it's only natural. It is a big change to life as you know it and that can be scary. Don't beat yourself up about these thoughts as that will make it 10 times worse x

10 years ago

Thank you.. I am just freaking out. about all the changes... Its so scary...

77 / 6000 Emojis


10 years ago • Post starter

It is scary, no one ever writes about the negative thoughts around pregnancy and birth, that then makes you feel like a freak when you have them. Need more people to own up to these types of thoughts! I admit that I didn't get this massive rush of love when I had my son, just remember thinking, oh my god, it's a baby!!!

10 years ago

I same glad people have these feelings as well... & it isn't just me.. I guess I just know it's not all happiness & smiles & it worries me a lot.

157 / 6000 Emojis


10 years ago • Post starter

Not to be rude. I'd totally get it if your baby is unplanned. Perfectly reasonable feelings you have. Having these feelings can be normal with a planned pregnancy as well. However I must point out that planning for a baby when you aren't 100% sure isn't a sign of intelligence. By any means.

10 years ago

It's probably because you feel like crap Hun.. Give it some time? :)

10 years ago

How old are you hun? this kid of feeling is psychologically normal for young adult specially if they never planned it. but if there is a support from your parent or friends its better to sit down and relax and talk to them and of course the father of the child.

Pregnant women are emotional. you need their guidance.

One of the reason that makes you anxious is the responsibility of being a mother soon but of course the changes in your body affects your mental stability as you will notice things you haven't seen before within yourself physically, mentally and of course your well-being (holistic)


10 years ago

Nah, no criticism - loads of us have this thought pop into our heads even when we are older mums. It is about coping and wondering how to afford your baby. Trust me you will find a way to make it work, babies are so wonderfull afterwards you will wonder why you didn't have one sooner (plus if you are young it will be harder when you are very ancient like me :p)

10 years ago

I can totally understand this.. Our baby is 100% planned! Almost 2 years of ivf, 3 miscarriages and I'm pregnant again and keep panicking and second guessing this.. I know it's what we want I think the fear is natural though xx

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10 years ago

this baby was planned. & prayed for... Yesterday was just not a good day I freaked out because I honestly never thought I'd ever hear good news about a pregnancy losing 3... So I guess I went into Shock? but today I feel a lot better & even wrote in my journal about it.. thanks yall..

293 / 6000 Emojis


10 years ago • Post starter

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