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13dpo symptoms galore, BFN

7 Answers • 9 years ago • Edited



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9 years ago • Edited • Post starter

To be honest all the symptoms seem "too textbook" for lack of another way to put it. If you want a baby bad enough youll show signs of pregnancy if you havent had a positive test and you dont get one in the next few days or your period then go see your GP good luck

9 years ago

Hahahaha! My oh is not scientific, he thought a digital hpt involved fingers! You're symptoms do sound promising but I've found the more I have the less likely I'll get a bfp :(. I seriously think the 'bath' we take in the prostaglandins found in semen rev up our hormones in anticipation of falling pregnant. I used to be a pregnosis fan as they'd show a bfp very quickly but lately if found the reagent strip leaves too many Evaps. If the pregnosis is neg that is probably your answer. But your not out till af shows. :)

9 years ago

I think so too, a combination of reading to much & wishing to much! I'm not sure I can trust all of what my mind is telling me - it's hard to be objective!

9 years ago • Post starter

Haha! Maggic that is so cute! I think you're right! It's been so busy, & I tend to research, research, research & then am not sure if I can trust myself with myself! ( sounds crazy!) lol

9 years ago • Post starter

Me to! Research papers are my thing! I had myself convinced I was in with a chance today, 13dpo, as in desperation I went fishing for my cervix! It was so high I couldn't barely reach it and tilted so far to the back the opening was gone. So I quickly peed on a stick, BFN, and then AF came roaring in! It seems cp doesn't mean much so save yourself the trouble lol! :)

9 years ago

Maggic,grrrr that AF is a bit cheeky, working in cahoots with the cervix! Oh I know! My cp definitely cannot be relied upon! In fact half the time I can't find it anyhow, unless I do some kind of pelvic gymnastics ... I'm blessed with little fingers! Baby dust to you! Hope your flow is swift!

9 years ago • Post starter

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