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am i ovulating?

recently I did my progesterone test on the 22nd day of my menstruation cycle and the result is 1.09 mg/ml. I have irregular cycle. I have been trying to conceive since last month. Can you please let me know that what the result expresses about the ovaluation. I arecently I did my progesterone test on the 22nd day of my menstruation cycle and the result is 1.09 mg/ml. I have irregular cycle. last cycle 33 days ..I have been trying to conceive since last month. Can you please let me know that what the result expresses about the ovaluation. I am pretty tensed that whether I actually ovaluated or not. Do I need to redo the test? Is it a matter of getting worried or will it decrease the chance of getting pregnant?m pretty tensed that whether I actually ovaluated or not. Do I need to redo the test? Is it a matter of getting worried or will it decrease the chance of getting pregnant?

1 Answer • 9 years ago



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Hi Bda072,

I am currently on Fertomid and have a Progesterone test done but my results is measured differently as each lab tests differently.

My first test I had a progesterone level of 10.3 nmol/L and I didn't ovulate but then it went up to 50.9 and then down again to 19.6.

If the results are measured in nmol/L then your levels have to be between 16 and 60 to ovulate. I might be wrong but if you convert nmol/L to ng then you will need a level greater than 50.

I hope this helps

9 years ago

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