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Suddenly short cycles?!

Hello, everyone! I could use some insight here...

I'm TTC for over 2 years. My hormones are good, I ovulate on 12 CD, an my cycles are allways 26 days long.

I know this because I was temping for long and done folliculometry ( I guess I spelled it ok - english is not my language).

I've had 2 chemical pregnancies in the past.

Suddenly, my cycles have shortned and they only last 22 days.

I don't even know for sure if I ovulated, because I stopped tempin to ease the stress.

Today AF came, so this cycle was 25 days long.

Any thoughts what's happening? Any advice?

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1 Answer • 9 years ago



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Answers (sorted by laughs)

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My guess would be a luteal phase defect. Your luteal phase lasts from ovulation to menstruation and for most women it's 14 days long. During this phase your ovaries produce progesterone which signals your uterine lining to grow in preparation for implantation. If you ovulate on cd12 like you say, but then get your period on cd22, then that's only about a 10 day luteal phase. Luteal phase defects are a result of low progesterone in the body and can be caused by many different health conditions. And of course women with this problem have a much higher rate of miscarriage because there isn't enough time for the fertilized egg to implant before your body signals for you to get your period again.

Me (29) Hubby (35) PCOS Mommy to Miss I (2009), Miss P (2014), and now trying for our third. Can't wait to see a soon!

9 years ago

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