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Week of 5/21/2012 testing

I will be testing 5/27/12 and the excitement is overwhelming, any ladies that will be testing next week feel free to join

[url=]User Image March 29,2012 April 29,2012 May

29 Replies • 12 years ago



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Finally someone on the same "trek" as me! :)
5/27/12 is the exact date I will be testing too!
The wait is KILLING me ha!
This month is our very first attempt TTC so we are very anxious (ok more so me than my husban :P)
Do you feel as though you are having any very early pregancy symptoms yet?

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12 years ago

Hey- this is my first time TTC too. The wait is killing me. I took a HPT last night and it was BFN. I was only 7dpo I think. Too early but depressing nonetheless! I'm having lots of symptoms- had full heavy cramping every day since 2dpo- especially at night. Also tender breasts. Possible backache. And gas- from 2dpo (sorry tmi!) I was thinking of starting to test possibly on Monday 5/21 (9 DPO) but I don't want to get depressed. His many days DPO are you? Any symptoms?

12 years ago

Good luck & i send baby dust to you girls :D
i got my bfp but sending some baby dust
and hope this is your month :)

User Image User Image Stick baby stick i love you already Lost an angel on may 24th 2012 at 5w4d You will not be forgotten

12 years ago

Hope2bpreg - Hi! :) I beleive I'm only 5 DPO (It took me a lot of research to figure out the actual science behind the TTC thing ha!)
I BELEIVE I have a few symptoms but it's sometimes hard to tell because I don't want to over-exaggerate and set myself up for disappointment.
This sort of made me feel a little crazy but 3 days after intercourse I felt sick to my stomach ALL DAY! Th only reason why it stood out to me so much is because I am NEVER sick to my stomach. I never actually vomited just irritating nausea all day. I also have gas (that is abnormal for me as well)
3 days after intercourse I also had mild cramping. I don't have tender or swollen breasts and I don't feel like i'm any more tired than usual.
I want to test as early as possible but i totally agree with you, i don't want to be disappointed either.

Kathleen1994 - Thank you for the well wishes! :)

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12 years ago

eand hello and yes I am glad you came aboard how are you feeling today

Hope I am 5dpo and having symptoms such as dull cramps and pressure,fatigue,back and leg pain, full bbs and tender nipples and gassy. I think you should test Tues because most of the time you get implantation on 9dpo so just to be sure 

Congrats Kathleen and thanks for sending us dust 

[url=]User Image March 29,2012 April 29,2012 May

12 years ago • Post starter

Mrstruth - Hi :) I'm feeling well, thank you.
How are you feeling?
Thank you for the warm welcome, I'm REALLY enjoying this website, helps me feel a little more at ease.
It seems like you and I are having the majority of the same symptom except my breast aren't swollen or tender : /
Will you be testing Tuesday as well?
3 days after intercourse I had quite noticible cramps (which definitely caught me off guard) but now they are just every so often and are very very dull.
Some of my symptoms are hard to distinguish because, again, i don't want to make something out of nothing should i not be pregnant yet but a lot of the symptoms i've read about are my normal symptoms about 7-10 days before i due to start my period.
I don't appear to have implantation bleeding, have you noticed any? (i read not all women will expierence that)

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12 years ago

Even with the five pregnancies I have had I have ever experienced implantation bleeding, and no I am not having any I am going to test Friday. Or sat I am o ly 5dpo. I am having pressure, twinges, pulling feeling of the pelvic and gassy and I never have this before or during AF so it is abnormal for me

[url=]User Image March 29,2012 April 29,2012 May

12 years ago • Post starter

I'm pretty sure i will be testing the same time you do considering you and i are the same DPO. Obviously the TWW is killing me but I also don't want to test too early to disappoint myself. My cramps stand out to me becaue i never get cramps ahead of my period, i ALWAYS get them the very first day of my period and then as the day go on (of course) they subside.
If you don't mind my asking, were your previous pregnancy with little to no complications?
Since you already have children, before you took a test with any of your pregnancy's, did you every just "feel" or "know" you were pregnant?

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12 years ago

Hi ladies! So glad I came across this topic! I am currently 5 DPO and also going nuts with this TWW. I am planning on testing this Friday since I have read a few forums where some women have had at 9 DPO. My wretched is due to hopefully NOT arrive on 5/29.

DH and I have been trying since we our loss on 8/11/11. We received the green light from our doctor about a month after and have been trying since but all to no avail. BUT, for some reason this time I truly FEEL this is it!!

These have been my symptoms so far:

Extreme fatigue; very bloated; heavy and full breasts; lots of creamy white CM; mild to faint cramps in the front and lower back; I was feeling a heavy pressure sensation near my pubic bone area during 2-3 DPO; lack of appetite (I love to eat!!)

I hope this is it ladies!!

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12 years ago

Eande I have had two lost angels, and three deliveries, I found out about my son because I just wasn't feeling too up and I went to the doctor to get birth control although I felt that I was pregnant but I still went to get it and they confirmed I was. With my second baby I was feeling fatigue and light headed I was nauseated but not vomitting and went to the doctor I was pregnant. With the baby before my second I was nauseated not vomitting and sore boobs, baby after my second no signs I thought I was just tired for workin long hrs, and with my last I had to be like two weeks when I got the sign because when I received first U/S I was 4w1d and that was a few days from testing. At two weeks I went to buy lunch at my favorite wings place and the smell made me vomit. So I said okay maybe I am tripping so that weekend and two days following I was nauseated off and on. So I tested with a family dollar test I and it was a BFP my ultrasound a few days later confirmed it

Emy Friday I will be 10dpo as well and I know a lot of women get there BFP at 9dpo but most of them gets faint lines. Very faint lines and I want definitely

[url=]User Image March 29,2012 April 29,2012 May

12 years ago • Post starter

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