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9DPO and with no official symptoms.

9DPO and with no official symptoms. I have felt stuff on and off but nothing that I can pin point to be pregrant related. Might be because I don't want this going to my head, getting my hopes up high and it be nothing but AF ugly self.

3 Replies • 12 years ago



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I'm 9dpo today too & I haven't had anything in particular either. However, an absence of symptoms makes me a little hopeful because I'd normally be quite crampy by now and bloated due to PMT. fingers crossed for us both eh? Xxx

12 years ago

@ Rowanbud

I can say that yesterday I felt nausead to my stomach but nothing would come up for me to throw up. Bloated & gassey. I have had this running & snuffy nose since beginning of last week, it started from a sore thoat.

Today this morning, right now @ work... lol... I feel not so much bloated but full. I still have this running & snuffy nose. And this awlful headache. Other than that nothing....

12 years ago • Post starter

@ Rowanbud

If you don't mine, when is AF surpose to show for you? According to the Pregnancy Tracker, mine is surpose to show on the 6/14 or the 06/7. Implatation is most common for today following the next 2 days but I haven't notice that either.

I toolk a dollar store HPT & it came back BFN. Have you tested any yet?

Have you done any charting for your temp?

12 years ago • Post starter

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