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Not sure how to feel...

So my baby factory cousin, who is the exact same age as me, called me this evening to tell me she's pregnant. They are planning on telling everyone on Saturday but luckily we will be gone by then. I'm really relieved that we will not be there when they announce it because I don't want to cry or have any negative reaction in front of everyone. Don't get me wrong. I am thrilled for them, but I took it a little hard because when we told them a year ago that we were trying, they didn't even want a third child. They were completely done. And now, they're pregnant after one month of trying. That's how it has been for all their kids. Plus, on top of that, we just told our family that we've been trying for over a year.

I had a short moment. I went to my husband to tell him and my voice cracked as I said it. ( I'm getting emotional now lol). I cried for a minute while we talked but I had to pull it together for his sake. He immediately said that we would be starting ivf when we got back from Georgia, but I think we'll still wait till the summer is over at least.

I'm very happy that we're going to have another baby around! It was just a little hard to hear how easy it was. Ok my jealous rant is over. I feel better now and all I'm going to be is happy for them!

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12 Comments • 9 years ago



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I fully get it. I have 2 sisters-in-laws, one has 5 children, the other one 7. You may call them baby factory relatives lol. But it's ok, they face other struggles and problems in life, not ours but different ones. It's good to acknowledge your feelings and then turn your face towards the sun, wishing everyone the very best and keeping up a positive attitude. Hugs and baby dust bucketfuls your way!

9 years ago

I feel your pain! We had BIL announcing they were expecting when they weren't even trying within minutes of us telling MIL that we were going on the waiting list for IVF. Having to spend the afternoon with everyone and 'be happy' was so hard. They had their baby two days before we started our injections for the last cycle. We then got daily photos of the baby all the way through our treatment including on the day we told them it hadn't worked. We are very happy for them but Jesus it stings!

Hugs sweetie! Xxx

9 years ago

Stay strong. xxx I know how you feel. All on my friends have now had 2 babies, and I am the second last in the group and time is ticking. :-( Don't feel sad with your reaction. I think it was good of your cousin to phone you. She cares how much it would affect you and didn't want you to hear from anyone else. xxx Your time will come I am positive of it! :-) xxx

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9 years ago

We all get like that and its totally normal. Don't worry your time will come and it will mean so much more as you've had to work a little harder for it then most . ((Big Hugs ))

User Image Me 36 DH 49 6 Yrs TTC MC last at 6weeks Ectopic at 6-7 weeks Using Homoathic Medicine since July 14

9 years ago

Your reaction is totally normal, it stings every time I see a new pregnancy announcement. Just try to remember that your time will come soon enough. Big hugs xxxx

9 years ago

Oh sweets, I'm so so sorry. I completely understand. During that whole "FB joke" that DH's dad pulled, I was a hysterical blubbering mess and blurted out to my mom that we'd been trying for over a year now with no luck. It took me all day to calm down and I'm still paying for the stress. Your reaction is totally normal, and I probably would have handled it worse. I really hope you still get to enjoy your vaca. Maybe you should dubb it "No cell phone zone" to avoid any reminders so you can relax. Big hugs, girlie!! <3

9 years ago

Literally same thing happened to me with my sister! When we first started trying 2 years ago she and her husband started also and were pregnant within the first month then a year later she ends up pregnant again on accident! She has had not one but 2 babies! 2babies!!!! In the amount of time I've been trying to have just one and it's all been without trying! I'm so sorry I know the feeling all too well including my best friend who cheated on her husband and ended up pregnant with the man she left her husband for. My husband has been such a wonderful support system through it all that I've managed to be happy for them eventually. Lean on him hard! <3 hugs

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9 years ago

Thank you girls. I'm very close to her, and like scuba.chick said, it was very nice of her to call me to let me know herself. She was disappointed that we weren't going to be at the reveal on Saturday, but I'm glad we won't be, so we won't get those looks of pity from people. I want everyone to rejoice in her news without the awkwardness of Chad and me being there. I'm still feeling a little emotional about it, but I'll be ok soon.

Chad is very much pushing to do the IVF as soon as we get back because he wants us to have kids the same age. Having our niece here a week ago too, didn't help with his baby fever... I have no idea what we'll do, but we have an 11 hour car trip this weekend to sort it out lol. I know we've all gone through this, and I really really truly appreciate all your kind words. It is such a relief to have people to talk to that can really relate because women in my family are baby machines lol. Time to move on and continue trying for our miracles. :)

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9 years ago • Post starter

Ugh...I definitely know all too well how that goes. I have a friend who I swear when she snaps her fingers she gets preggo...she could never understand why it was so difficult for us! Glad your cousin was sensitive enough though to call you ahead of time! Hope you get your miracle soon :) Praying for you!

9 years ago

So sorry. Everyone around me is getting pregnant like crazy so I know how you feel. I cry (in private) after every announcement.

Me: 31 DH: 32 TTC #1 September 2014: 1st IUI - BFN October 2014: 2nd IUI - BFN December 2014: laparoscopy and hysteroscopy - RE removed endometriosis and septum in the uterus. January 2015: 3rd IUI - BFN March 2015 - 1st IVF - we transferred 1 embryo and froze 1embryo - chemical June 2015 - 2nd IVF - we transferred 2 embryos and froze 2 embryos - User Image

9 years ago

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