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12dpo and frustrated

If I am pregnant then I think I implanted 5 days ago. All of the “when to test” calculators say wait until March 3rd. Easier said than done I see the statistics for positive tests and how early others have gotten their bfns and I just feel out this month.
AF is two days away so the wait won’t be much longer. My resting heart rate has gone up again so along with sore boobs and little twinges in my lower abdomen that’s all I have to give me hope! I should have just bought the 10miu tests but I really am tired of spending so much money on tests! I’m just frustrated. I feel like this is just impossible

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2 Comments • 6 years ago



Pregnancy test calculator

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Comments (sorted by laughs)

1 - 2 of 2 Comments

You never know, I thought I was out with my son, I thought I was 15dpo and still no positives I gave up. 1 week later I felt a twinge and tested and got a faint positive, found out I was only 9dpo so I was testing too early. Obviously depends on whether you used ovulation tests and have an regular cycle. and

6 years ago

Thanks for the encouragement! I do chart my bbt and had ovulation spotting this month. There is still a chance that I’m off by a day or so though. This is the first time I have charted in about a year. My cycles were 100% regular up until last month when I was nearly a week late. So I decided to chart again just in case my O date was affected by it. Hopefully AF stays away these next couple days!

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6 years ago • Post starter

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