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Clear, jelly-like CM 3 says before period.

Hi everyone!

I'm new to this site and was referred by a friend. My period is due in about 3 days, and since yesterday, I have been having clear, stretchy, jelly like mucous coming out when I wipe and when checking my CM. Last week, I started cramping, which was weird for me, as I always cramp a few days before my period and I always have super tender breasts.

I have taken a HPT, and it was negative, but I also know its quite early to tell.

I just wondered if anyone has ever had this happen to them before their missed period as a sign of pregnancy?

*I have I included a photo for reference.


11 Answers • 6 years ago



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Answers (sorted by hugs)

1 - 10 of 11 Answers | Last Page

I see no picture!! But! Clear jelly like cm is usually referred to as EWCM ((egg white cervical mucus) because it looks the the raw whites of an egg!) and it is usually a sign you’re ovulating!!! :love: I would honestly Baby Dance! It can’t hurt!

6 years ago

This what I had this morning, which today would be day 3 of this type of CM. I'm supposed to start in 2 days.

user submitted image

6 years ago • Post starter

I always get the same before my period

6 years ago

I have never had this before a period ever, and I currently do not have ANY of my regular PMS symptoms. I know a few people who have had this same thing happen when they've been pregnant. Hopefully I am! ????

6 years ago • Post starter

I would take a test.

Afm, Every women is different and can mean pregnant or not pregnant. I’m saying this bc my first pregnancy had watery/ creamy cm, and recent one had what was jelly like /snot but (ended in Mc) now I’m having creamy again (7-9dpo) But I usually get ew 2-3 days before AF. AF is due Saturday for me. So again every women is different on a cycle. Best of luck and hope you get your

6 years ago

Thanks! I think I will take another tonight :)

Also, good luck to you as well, and hope you see a BFP also!

6 years ago • Post starter

Keep us updated!

6 years ago

I’ve been having the same. With my pregnancies I always had creamy cm, not ewcm. I was researching what it means bc I’ve NEVER had this & its way too late for me to be ovulating. I read it can be a second estrogen surge before af..

6 years ago

Interesting, thanks for your answer! I still have not gotten any PMS symptoms. And my tracker on here suggests tomorrow is my best day to test if I have not gotten my period yet. I will let you all know what happens!

6 years ago • Post starter

Just finished taking a HPT, and it came back negative. Thank you everyone for all of your answers!

6 years ago • Post starter

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