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6 dpo, this suspense is killing me!

Hello ladies, any of you waiting to poas with me? Let's help one another pass the time, and analyze our tests together. I still have at least a good 4 days before i can begin testing, and i am running out of distractions

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260 Replies • 6 years ago



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We've been trying for over a year (with a few breaks). So it's not easy for me to just "wait it out". I get more anxious during the 2ww every month we try and I notice every little detail during that time. I'm afraid that many of them are just progesterone playing tricks on me :// I also had some pinching, but what is a bit different this month is that I get mild cramps, pains or weird feelings more or less constantly from like 3dpo in my lower abdomen. I never notice these during the months we don't try, but who knows, maybe they are there and I just don't notice cause I don't pay attention ://

It's hard to say about the picture you posted. I had an experience, that if there are any faint lines (Clearblue usually gives false positives) the phone doesn't really capture these properly. If you see a faint line, maybe you can try even earlier?

Good luck to you as well Sarah! :)) Any symptoms?

6 years ago

Hi! I’m somewhere between 5 and 7dpo today, so right there with y’all. Can’t lie, I tested already... Sooo many symptoms (achy lower abdomen, pulling/pinching, exhaustion, sore nips) + being unsure of O date + POAS addict = expensive 2 WW!!!

Good luck to everyone!

6 years ago

I’ll probably be testing tonight and will post here if there’s anything to squint at

6 years ago • Edited

Awe sorry to hear, there is still time though!

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6 years ago • Post starter

I really really hope so, @KY! Doesn’t have to be me, but hope it’s one or more of us!

6 years ago

I'm really hoping to see a positive come out of this little group! My husband and I are stationed in Okinawa Japan so my responses might come at weird times!

6 years ago

I really hope so! I hope we all get our bfp.

6 years ago

I took a test this am, bfn. 10dpo. Not going to test again until after the weekend. We're going on retreat. Don't want to think about it.

6 years ago

I hope you ladies all have a fantastic weekend. Or week since you're several hours behind me. I will update Monday! Ya'll have truly been a solace during this cycle, and even if I get af next week I will look forward to having ya'll around for iui #2!

6 years ago

My period’s all over and done already (normal 4 day one), but still following y’all! @KY and @Bkc, I have good feelings about your odds! Sending baby dust your way

6 years ago

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