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TTC January/February 2020 babies

Hang in there ladies!!

295 Replies • 5 years ago



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Hi ladies!!
Harmony hi! Welcome and good luck! Hopefully you’ll ovulate before your trip

Mama this is the best way to calm your self down. 3 cycles ago I found my self so obsessive with tests etc to the point where I tested 3-4 times per day and I was so embarrassed to even talk about it here and I got disgusted by my self. I stopped tracking and testing for one cycle and I found my self again. This cycle I only did opks and temping and I’m very happy that I never got hpts. I’m anxious of course but I’m not obsessive anymore!! I hope it will work for you too!!

Jessica I would say to probably check with a hpt but if you were pregnant and your bleeding wasn’t AF 8 days ago, I believe that your opk would have turn positive too. Maybe you having a rough O. You should look into this closely though and maybe you need your doctors advice! Do you have spotting still?

Pandorica Good luck hun! I hope this month will work for you

Lalou Not much really. Now that I know that hubbys little guys have low motility, I will order the supplements doctor gave us and wait for it to work. I believe it needs about 3 months for the new sperm to build so... yea! I will of course keep my hope since I have my one dear tube open and his motility isn’t too too bad.. doctor said everything is possible but it’s difficult without some boost!
Sorry that AF came but I’m happy to see all your health plans this month! Maybe it’s meant for you to first finish your very tiring exams and then enjoy a new healthy pregnancy! When are you having your next exam?

Cece welcome and good luck to you too! Fingers crossed.. it only needs one to catch that egg

Mrsmcguire Hello! Its so wonderful that your husband is healthy now and I wish to you and your family never to deal with something like that again!! Hopefully another addition to your family will be created this month! Good luck

AFM Af is supposed to be here any time now. It’s currently 12pm and she usually don’t have a standard time of the day to come. Cervix is medium so I believe she’ll be here late afternoon! I just want her to come so I can order the supplements and move on onto the next cycle!! My cramps are pretty severe too..

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5 years ago • Edited

Hi! This is the first time I have ever joined a discussion group. We have been TTC for three years and three miscarriages. It is too early to announce to any family, besides DH, but just got a positive. Blood draw at 12dpo was 57. Needless to say we are scared and excited. This would be a January baby so I hope I am on the right board or just doing this discussion stuff correctly! Good luck to everyone here

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5 years ago

This cycle has flown by, I haven't tracked anything. Not BD or O, just checked in and apparently I am around 8dpo. No idea what my chances are, but they do say when you stop trying is when it happens. I have definitely stopped trying, so let's see how that works out.

for this month ladies

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5 years ago • Edited

@rampokker I'm also CD19, but I haven't ovulated yet. Hopefully in the next couple of days.

5 years ago

@Pandorica--So sorry. :( This is so hard!
@Emma--Doing the dance of joy for you! After all that you've been through, that strong + is such a good thing! Stick, baby, stick! i
AFM--AF came just on time yesterday. Sigh.

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5 years ago

Well I am somewhere in here hopefully. I’ll join this one at least. I am hoping February will be it since January seems to be out at this point.

5 years ago

Oh new board! Well hey everyone lol you all know that I’m not going anywhere anytime soon unfortunately!! Fingers crossed ladies

I wrote it in the other board too but...
13dpo today and AF is due tomorrow. I have severe pms cramps and my boobs hurt so much. I’m not expecting anything else but AF at this point as much as I want to keep my hopes up, I don’t see it being my month again... Temps are still high but it’s nothing new... oh well... let’s see what those hubbys supplements will do...

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5 years ago • Edited

Hi ladies, I'd like to join if I may! I've been following your boards for a couple of months now. I'm pretty new to all of this, so forgive me if I stumble. :-)

Currently, CD 7 and this is the start of month #3 ttc, projected due date would be Jan 25th if this cycle is it. Trying to take a relaxed approach, listen to, and learn my body for now; so I'm temping, checking my cervix, and recording my cycle symptoms for now.

Wishing everyone positivity, hope and providence throughout this journey.

5 years ago

Thanks Anna...I'll be joining this one as well. I'm going to be taking it somewhat easy this month, only doing bbt and not doing opks and also not buying any HPT until AF is a no show. I drive myself insane if I have them in the house. Cycle day 7 me Hoping to O before cycle day 20 this month. Good luck eveyone!

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5 years ago

@Mamaof2KNM it looks like we're cycle buddies! I'm also hoping to O before cycle day 20...cycle day 17 or sooner to be exact. I'll be in Seattle, WA for a week helping my SIL transition back to work after having my nephew in February, so if I don't O before I leave, we might miss this month.

Best wishes to you!

5 years ago • Edited

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