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TTC January/February 2020 babies

Hang in there ladies!!

295 Replies • 5 years ago



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Hello all! I’d like to join if that is okay?! I’m currently on CD22. Ovulated CD20. This is my third month trying to conceive and just used Clear Blue Advanced digital opks this month. Got 9 days of high fertility and thought for sure i wasn’t going to ovulate. But then finally got peak on CD19! I couldn’t believe it. Really hoping this month will be good but not holding my breath as we only baby danced 4 days and 1 day before O. Fingers crossed for everyone that we get January babies!

5 years ago

I couldn’t wait any longer, I’m 10dpo and I think that’s a pretty good line ? Would I be right in asking my gp to do a blood test because I had the miscarriage in February ? And to think my blood results came back this month to say I wasn’t ovulating I pray this will be my sticky rainbow baby xx

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5 years ago

I'm on CD 8 today. Negative OPK. Not that I was expecting a positive though. I do have a lot of bloating and ovulation pains. However, this morning I had a small amount of brown spotting. What the heck? I've been super emotional the past two days and it's felt like my PMS moods. A few months ago I had like a 2 week cycle and started bleeding when I should have ovulated. I hope that doesn't happen this month!

5 years ago

Hi! This is the first time I have ever joined a discussion group. We have been TTC for three years and three miscarriages. It is too early to announce to any family, besides DH, but just got a positive. Blood draw at 12dpo was 57. Needless to say we are scared and excited. This would be a January baby so I hope I am on the right board or just doing this discussion stuff correctly! Good luck to everyone here

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5 years ago

Ok so I got my positive OPK tonight. We had sex 2 nights ago and then again tonight. I'll see if we can get more in tomorrow but it's not always easy with kids around. I hope we covered our bases! Now for the two week wait. I'd like to say I won't test early but we all know that's nearly impossible

5 years ago

Lalou Good luck on your exams and I’m sure if this get off your program you will be able to focus on your diet plan easily as well your ttc! I really hope everything to fall in place one after the other

Mommyof2 and Jessica Good luck girls!!! Hopefully your egg is already fertilized and traveling

AFM CD5 today and AF should be leaving. Hubbys supplements aren’t here yet and it kinda makes me feel less stressed knowing that it most likely won’t be it for the next few cycles. I read some reviews about this supplements doctor gave us even though I couldn’t find much. Everyone said that after 3-4 months their SOs sperm was changed dramatically and many ladies said they got pregnant on their 3rd, 4th month of taking it! Especially the ones who had only motility problems like us! I really hope this to work

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5 years ago • Edited

@lalou happy early birthday! The 30s have been good to me thus far, I hope you will find the same. :-) And yes, just do your best on those can only give what you got! Keto is great! I lost 44 pounds in 9 months back in 2016-17. I've only gained 10 of those pounds back, and 5 of those were by choice because I felt too small after my wedding! Let me know if you need a buddy for reassurance or recipes!

5 years ago

Hi ladies, it's been a tough week after my miscarriage but I'm starting to feel a little better. My husband has been wonderful and his support is helping a lot. We've decided we wanted to try again so I'm hoping my cycles get back to normal as soon as possible but for now, I still have a while until my Hcg levels get back to 0 I think. I'm got a blood test yesterday and waiting to hear back what my numbers are (I think I was around 47,000 last week). It's really ironic to hope to see a negative on a test after having been so excited to finally get my 2 lines! I'm really hoping it won't take as long this time. I want to cry just thinking about going back to the whole TTC process.
@Scuba My daughter (#1) was conceived on the 8th cycle of TTC and this pregnancy I just lost also started on the 8th cycle of trying for #3.

5 years ago

Hi everyone! Hope your day/evening is being good to you, or at the very least, gentle.

@Lalou I’m so glad you had a great time! I’ve got my fingers, toes, and hair crossed for good news from your appointment, exam retake, and BD timing! You got this!

@Alex I hope the days fly by and you get good news soon! I’ll definitely be following your progress with the supplements!

@Amarah Welcome back! Send happy thoughts and wishes on your second journey, and hope you get great news soon!

AFM: Alright, here’s today’s test! And btw, I got a negative FR digital with the same sample, and was so confused because I thought that FRRR were supposed to be LESS sensitive than FRERs and the digitals. So, I call FR and they confirmed that FRERs and digitals confirm as soon as 11 dpo, but FRRRs take up 15 dpo…so why the negative digital? Welp, turns out I flooded the test because I didn’t read the instructions properly and dipped for 20 secs instead of 5 secs! SMH.

Anyway, thank you for the support...I'd like to stay around at least until my missed period, I see my doctor, and have a beta to confirm as I'm pretty terrified of another loss. I'd also like to continue checking on everyone, if that's okay too.

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5 years ago • Edited

Emma!!!! I’m so happy for you. Please contact your doctor ASAP since you had a MC recently. This is such a blessing! You must be so excited!!!!

Burkette Sounds like something worthy to practice!

Lalou here in Greece a midwife is a person you see only once, at the day of delivery. In the whole pregnancy you see only your doctor.
Don’t let anyone bring you down about your weight. Obviously you know your body better and if you feel you need to lose weight, you will! No matter how anyone else is pushing to do or not to do it! Remember you are beautiful no matter how your body is shaped. If you feel that YOU want to lose weight then go ahead. We live once and for a very short period of time actually.. No one of our close people is gonna remember us because of how our bodies were shaped. They will remember us of how we made them feel and of our efforts! Don’t do it because stereotypes are pushing you. Do it because it will make your health and your mood better!! You’re perfect as the way you are, we all are!!!

I’ve seen scuba in another board this morning. She’s not feeling her best! Just taking it slow. Sending her love and hugs if she reads us

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5 years ago

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