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Not missed miscarriage?

So last week I lost all my symptoms and I mean all for a whole 7 days. Thought I might have had a missed miscarriage, but today I have some symptoms back? Sore nips, mild nausea. Can symptoms rise after a missed miscarriage (I was convinced it had ended last week) or do these new symptoms today show I might still have a baby growing in there??? Opinions anyone please?

5 Replies • 5 years ago



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Replies (sorted by informative)

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I'm assuming you had a positive pregnancy test...did you start bleeding? Are you only assuming a miscarriage because of symptom loss? Have you retested and/or seen a doctor?

I'm asking all these questions because it is quite common for symptoms to come and go in early pregnancy. I'm 6+5 today, and in my 5th week every symptom I had disappeared, lol. My blood levels were doubling just fine, and I was taking home pregnancy tests to track progression for my own sanity, and the lines were getting darker (so dark, in fact that the test line was "stealing" dye from the control line, lol).

5 years ago

Hi. No bleeding. I’m on progesterone which I’ve read can mask any problems anyway. Went for an early scan and was measuring a week behind. Just frustrating not knowing what’s going on when I don’t feel pregnant.

5 years ago • Post starter

Harmonkye is right, at 7w i lost all my symptoms and was convinced i was going to lose my baby, I am now 25 weeks along.
I would suggest going to your GP and asking for a blood count, only way to know if you are pregnant or not for sure. Good Luck.

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5 years ago

@Curly I COMPLETELY understand, lol. I just hounded my doctors until I got another blood draw and a US last week, lol. It was too early to see anything other than the gestational sac and the yolk sac, but I was happy to see anything at all and everything in the correct place. And my levels went from 150 to 7423 in less than 10 days.

Trust your body and trust your baby; they will do what's best and are stronger than you think! And hold on to this normal feeling for as long as you'll feel like an alien soon enough! Lol

5 years ago

Thank you ladies ????

5 years ago • Post starter

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