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Came off the pill, no bleed, sore breasts, cramps gassy ect HELP!

Hi everyone I came off the pill on the 2nd January, I had cramping and discharge from 2 days after then I got a lot of egg CM since 5th jan I have had cramping as though AF if coming, from 8th jan I have had very sore nipples and achy breasts, very gassy, cramping still as tho AF is about to start but nothing, I have very bad back ache and had sharp ovary pain, neg tests, dr did a urine test and I have a UTI so iam taking antibiotics for. I haven’t spotted or had any bleeding at all. Has anyone had anything similar and either were pregnant or AF eventually came ? My breasts are so sore and back is killing me. I will be going back to the dr next week if still testing neg to get a blood test done. Please give me your feedback on what you think may be happening ladies xx

2 Answers • 2 years ago



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It sounds like your body is adjusting to the hormone fluctuations. If you had ovary pain, you may have finally ovulated and I would expect you’ll start af roughly 2 weeks after than pain. I hope you get some answers, good luck!

2 years ago

Morning, Thankyou for your reply, yes I think your right, taken 2 cheapies this morning and again negative. I just wish AF would show up. Xx

2 years ago • Post starter

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