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First response rapid result positive before digital?

So I took a first response rapid response and a digital this morning with FMU (same urine) and the rapid result showed a faint line and the digital said “no-“ , I am a little confused because I thought the digital was more sensitive than the rapid response. I believe the rapid response says it is 100miu?? Any thoughts? Also does anyone know the sensitivity of the McKesson dipsticks? Thinking of trying one of those later from work. Thank you!

8 Answers • 3 months ago



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Answers (sorted by laughs)

1 - 8 of 8 Answers

It’s really hard to see in the picture especially so small but in person the line is there without squinting.

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3 months ago • Post starter

Did you test again? Was there a darker line?

3 months ago

Yes! This is my line from this morning on a first response early result

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3 months ago • Post starter

Here is all 3 tests together

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3 months ago • Post starter

How are you? Did you test anymore? You can see a line for sure in the bottom test!

Hoping for our little baby number 1 soon

12 weeks ago

I have been having light tests like that still, they are not getting any darker. I went and got a blood test today, waiting for the results

11 weeks ago • Post starter

Went for blood test 2 days ago and it says “negative” I asked for a qualitative and she said she ordered it but looks like she did qualitative ???? while waiting for the result I got inpatient and took another test that afternoon and this is what I got (bottom test). So now I’m just as confused.

user submitted image

10 weeks ago • Post starter

I see lines. What’s the result?

10 weeks ago

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