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mix feelings :(

Background: I have a 6 yr old from previous marriage. Been ttc since 2011. Turns out bf has low sperm count n motility. I've gotten sick on n off since 2011 n tried my best to stay away from meds n such. Just pumped myself w oj n vitamins.

Well u can guess after trying so long u kinda give up the hope of getting pregnant. So yeah I got sick around my ovulating date, not thinking I would get pregnant, I took every drug possible. I thought it was allergies so I took allegera(sp?). Nope got sick so took Sudafed. Had a migraine, twice, took excedrin. Baby aspirin cuz I had another headache. N ontop of it I stop taking my prenatals cuz I just felt like I was wasting them.

Oh it gets better. I'm three days late. I wanted a baby so bad but right now scared. What if I am pregnant .. n I just hurt him/her w all those meds????? I'm trying not to get excited either, cuz when I do, that's usually when I get my bfn's. But at the same time I want my af so bad right now. Idk even know what happens to the baby when u take those kinds of meds. Ugh. I just wanna scream. N actually want to punch him in the arm. Him all snoring over there n me wide awake but tired as hell. I hate this time of the month.

What should I do? Or could I do if I am pregnant?

3 Replies • 11 years ago



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Replies (sorted by laughs)

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I'm not a doctor but I know that they tell you not to worry too much about things you did before you knew you were pregnant. A lot of women who aren't trying to conceive don't know until around 8 weeks pregnant and they may have drank or smoke and their babies are ok. Even in the preggo books they tell you not to worry about it. Good luck and I hope this helps to calm you a bit :)

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11 years ago

I wouldn't worry and I'm someone who won't have a tuna sandwich when pregnant. I got sick pregnant and took prescribed antibiotic. U ca even look online I'm pretty sure sudafed is in the category A or something like that meaning safe. Also I had a miscarriage my second time around never smoke, took no meds, and stopped coffee. My point I you can do everything right and doesn't work out and plenty of women take meds or drink bc they didn't know and everything is just fine. Try not to take anything else since your late an see what happens. Good luck Hun!!!

11 years ago

Thx girls :). I'm just super crazy n a worrier. Should have seen me w my 1st. Lol

11 years ago • Post starter

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