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3DPO - Need a TWW buddy...

Hi, I'm 3DPO ttc my first. This is my first cycle of clomid also. I'd love to have someone to share the dreaded/anticipated tww with!

583 Replies • 11 years ago



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Hi there -

I am 4dpo and looking for a tww buddy...mind if I join you even though we are a day apart? I am also ttc my first. How long have you been trying?

11 years ago

Hi, I'm so glad we could share the drama! I've been trying on and off for about 6years. I have PCOS and it's been a difficult journey. If this cycle is successful, this will be our first child. Dh and I have been married for 7years and I just turned 31 so I'm starting to feel like time is running out.

Let's hope this is our month!

11 years ago • Post starter

Wow! That is a long time to be trying...I give you a lot of credit for not giving up. That truly shows strength!

I am 32 and DH is 33 and we got married in November of 2011 and wanted to be married for a year before starting to try for #1 (little did we know it would take us longer) and so we just started ttc in November 2012. I ended up having surgery to remove a bunch of polyps from my uterus at the end of May so this month is really our first time trying again since the surgery.

I am so happy to share this tww with someone...maybe I won't go too crazy :)

I know it is early yet...have you had any symptoms? I have no symptoms at all yet other than I keep dreaming I am holding a baby boy (that's probably just wishful thinking!)

GL and Baby dust to you!!

11 years ago

Hi there I'm only coming up 3DPO, so alittle behind you guys, I start tryin in feb 2012 and last year in October I had a miscarriage and then in feb this year had another miscarriages, but I'm keeping my head up just, this cycle we tried something called sperm meets egg plan and also used preseed for the 1st time so fingers crossed its worked. Xx

11 years ago

Hey there!!! I'm 4 DPO and I have had cramping since the big O!! I have never felt O before. I'm 28 and trying on baby #2. I had no symptoms with my first baby so this is totally new for me. I started getting a really bad headache today and I hate that we all have to wait so long to test!!! Lol it's driving me crazy. Hahaha. Anyone else having symptoms yet?? I'm also extremely moody and cranky. Hopefully this is it for us ladies!!! ;)

11 years ago

Hi there Txmomma I started getting a headache 2day it was killing me but I'm not sure if it was diwn to the heat or not, I keep getting bellyache aswell, but I don't think it could b diwn to pregnancy ( I wish lol) as I'm only 3 DPO xx

11 years ago

Hi ladies, glad you chose to share with us...let's hope we can all bring each other luck this round. My symptoms so far, sensitive nipples like from the day after O, I've also been getting this strange "full" feeling in my lower pelvic area which makes me feel like I need to pee all the time but nothing much comes when I go. That only started 2dpo.

Therose, I'm so sorry about your losses, I can't imagine the grief but on the bright side you achieved getting pregnant twice...i have not had such luck. In the 6 years we've been trying I have not had that joy of seeing those two lines. So here's hoping this month you get your sticky bean!! Much love and baby dust to you.

Txmomma, funny you should mention that headache but I got a nasty one on the day I O'd. It lasted all day and into the night, I think it might have been an indication of O. Best of luck! Hopefully this is it!

Hopefulmommy, we've got lots of company, so maybe the tww won't drive us crazyyyy. Ladies, this is going to be the luckiest thread yet!! BFPs all round. Cheers!

11 years ago • Post starter

Hi jade, I guess we all have to stay positive and hopefully we will get a positive on a stick, funny you should mention headaches yesterday mine was that bad every time I stood up or moved my head it was pounding, was horrible its not 2 bad at the moment, also I keep getting strange feeling into belly, it's like I keep greeting bellyache then it goes and comes and I'm only 3DPO xx

11 years ago

I'm really disappointed in my bbt chart. I expected by now to have seen a bigger thermal shift but no such luck really and I am positive I O'd this month. I find that my temp upon rising is lower (avg 97.9-98) than if I take a random temp after rising which right now is around 98.6. Of course I only plot my wake up temp.

Any thoughts?

11 years ago • Post starter

i would not go by temping, i tried it last month and thought it was a load of poo lol, that's why i am sticking to OPKs and find them alot better xx

11 years ago

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