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Community post


Pregnancy Support Group

So, congrats you got your BFP. This thread is intended for those who love CTP and want to continue giving and receiving support throughout their pregnancy. Share your fears, baby name ideas, symptoms, and announcement stories (just to name a few things)--anything really! We all know how exciting even the most inconsequential of details can be.

Im looking forward to experiencing this beautiful pregnancy journey with all of you!

186 Replies • 10 years ago



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Replies (sorted by informative)

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Well, in the spirit of getting things going...I'm 5w5d today and feel like 4 months. That's because I'm beyond bloated--it kind of appeared out of nowhere. That's completely okay--a small price to pay for this wonderful gift.

10 years ago • Post starter

Morning Law....though I'm not preggers yet, I want to support you ladies...and learn! Hope that's ok?!

10 years ago

Me too

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10 years ago

Of course ladies! I'm so happy you feel that way. I was feeling pretty bad because I didn't know if all of the talk was making people upset. Also, feel free to ask anything at all. I'm always an open book.

10 years ago • Post starter

Hey ladies! Im here :)

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10 years ago

Hi Ladies! I am here too! Though I do not fit into the early pregnancy group I want to support those who I saw get their bfps! :) And like law, I'm an open book and will be happy to share any knowledge I have that may help you early girls. My signature tells how far along I am :)

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10 years ago

SMH-I plan to post here until I'm way beyond early pregnancy but it's the only place the thread could go.

10 years ago • Post starter

Well I am here to support ya'll too!!!

10 years ago

@law: I am not a huge fan of the ctmp forum boards. They don't have a notifiy function so you have to go back and check in.. Its a pain.

OMG! My back is killing me once again. It used to only happen when I stayed in bed too long but I woke up at 2am in pain.. I was able to reposition and take some pressure off but I have a feeling its only going to get worse :-/

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10 years ago

@mamak: How are you doing? How is your pregnancy going?

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10 years ago

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Early pregnancy symptoms by day past ovulation

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