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miscarriage? do I got to the doctors please help!

Ok so I'm 25 my cycle is usually always on time, I sometimes start my period 3-4 days early or late. my period usually comes around the 29ish or the 3rd or 4th every month.

My husband and I were not TTC but we weren't going to avoid it if it happened or didn't happen either way we would be okay with it.

So after my last period near my ovulation day we baby danced about 4 times and didn't baby dance anymore. a week after my ovulation ( give or take) I felt odd cramping way before my period was even due. I sort of got it in my head that pregnancy could be possible. I then started to feel weird, sick but not really sick. Then my husband noticed my breasts were swollen and I felt a bit of tenderness kind of the same tenderness I feel when I'm about to start my period. this tenderness never went away. I then stated to feel very dizzy and very fatigued . I started to right all my symptoms off because emotionally at this point I REALLY wanted to be prego..I thought my symptoms might be all in my head. fast forward...

the 25th I went out and bought a first response pregnancy test just to see I took it with my morning urine. it came up negative. later that day with out warning (no cramping..I always cramp 3-4 days before AF) I went to the restroom and their was bright!! red blood in the toilet and on my tissue TMI. then about 4 hours later when I whipped it was brown ( the brown discharge always comes first when I expect AF.) I put a tampon in and thought it was AF coming way early.then I started to have very painful cramps more painful then normal. that night I put a pad on when I went to bed I only ever need to use a panty liner. I then was woken up that next morning to a puddle of blood in my bed and my panty liner full TMI sorry lol this never happens. I went to the restroom and the blood was bright red and also dark red and had the consistency of heavy mucus. I also had large blood clots some of which looked like tissue (meaning it didn't dissolve). I put another tampon in but later had to remove it because i bled threw the tampon. again lots of bright red blood, big blood clots, and heavy bloody mucus. I put another tampon in and out of fear I removed it early this time it had a little bit of bright red blood and what appeared to be a long stringy blood clot about 3 inches long. I decided to switch to a pad also cause the tampon seemed like it had little moister. about 2 hours later the bleeding completely stopped I mean completely..I went two days with out any spotting and noticed when I did go to the restroom and whipped I saw yellow cm. I stated to wonder if I was having heavy implantation bleeding..I know it's uncommon but does happen. so I took another prego test I thought I saw an extremely light positive..I think I might of imagined it. then today I felt like I was having ovulation cramping I went to the restroom and it stated all over again a ton of blood blood clots the whole situation all over again. I feel extremely dizzy fatigued I have very painful lower back pain and cramps and my legs ache very badly. so my question is does this sound like I had a very early miscarriage? and does this sound like I should go to the doctors? has anyone ever had this?

5 Replies • 9 years ago



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Replies (sorted by laughs)

1 - 5 of 5 Replies

Oh my! :-( I'd definitely go to a doctor asap if I were you, just to confirm if it's indeed a miscarriage or not.

9 years ago

Thank you for your reply Shadow412, I didn't know how to feel about this or if it seemed like this sort of thing called for a doctor. I know as we age our bodies can respond differently so I didn't know if this was something normal and just something new to me...or worse a miscarriage.

I didn't see a doctor since things started to get better and I started to feel better. I can't say for sure if my symptoms were the result of a miscarriage or not. I've scheduled an appointment so I'll know for sure soon enough. but again thank you so much for the reply!.
I was so scared since I don't have family or friends to turn to. your reply was much appreciated!.

9 years ago • Post starter

I'm sorry but as someone who has actually experienced a miscarriage I find this post bordering on offensive. It is offensive to women who have actually undergone a miscarriage to use the term so flipantly. You had negative pregnancy tests and bleeding which basically sounds like your period why would you think you're pregnant and go and waste doctors time?

9 years ago

babybrain that's so mean-she had symptoms etc? No need to reply if your gonna be rude.

Have hope. Always trust in God. Be positive. That is what I need to remember through this journey~ Baby dust to all

9 years ago

No it's okay, Brainbaby84 I'm am very sorry my post made you feel that way, I really hope I haven't offended anyone else. I apologize and I'm deeply sorry for your loss. I think everyone should speak their mind and that's why I felt this site could be so useful. :) I think we all should feel free to talk about things on here and not feel judged. I didn't expect this kind of response I don't understand it so that's why I'm not offended by your comment. I do want to stand up and make a very important point...I don't think anyone has the right to tell someone that going to the doctors is a waste of time. I think that if anyone of us has something unusual going on with our body and is experiencing abnormal pain and discomfort going to our doctor to get checked out is a very wise choice if it does turn out to be nothing then wonderful..but at least we can feel better about what is going on with our bodies and also I think getting checked out is better then not acknowledging what was happening and then face complications that otherwise could have been avoided by simply making sure. I think that's is better then not out of fear of wasting someones time. we all know our body more then anyone else in this world. At that time in my life I never experienced what I did.. I knew something was wrong..I have my reasons it to why I thought I could have miscarried it wasn't just an out of the blue thought. I simply wanted to seek another womens opinion. I hope that no one ever feels discouraged in any way to see a doctor it's our body our time and money..and I mean after all being a doctor is a job they get paid to do that if somethings wrong go see a doctor.

9 years ago • Post starter

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