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April 2016 Babies

I am going ahead and starting this board with hopes for a March baby.

y'all and lots and lots of &

Happy 4th of July !!!

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166 Replies • 9 years ago



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Hi ladies expecting for a April 2016 babies!

I am CD7 and if I conceive this month my EDD would be April 3, 2016.
I am using digital opk first time and starting tomorrow morning in addition to bbt charting.

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9 years ago • Post starter

I'm currently cycle day 21 I'm in my tww. Just slight discomfort in my lower abdomen. Baby dust to u 2

9 years ago

I am definitely out for March (zero BDing since DF was away for work) Not sure if we will have a chance for April, but I will
Be lurking about anyway :)

<a href=

9 years ago

Welcome wonderingmind & Mistique!

I just got my laparoscopy in May and they found mild endo. They also did chromotubation which showed that both my tubes are open. Typically most couples get pregnant 6 months after this procedure. So, I am waiting to see if I can get pregnant or not.

It is really hard to be patient. I am taking classes with my full time job which helps me a bit from not having time for obssessing over this.

How are you guys handling this waiting game?

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9 years ago • Post starter

Hey ladies! This is also my fourth month ttc. I got my positive ovulation test today! My cycle is longer usually 30-32 days so I know I need to use the tests. I have bumped my game up this month lost ten pounds and have been taking the reproductive health vitamin from first response and I feel excited about this month!! I have also been eating compleatly paleo the last month as well has my husband. And he has been taking zinc. We had sex last night and will again tonight and tomorrow!! I'm so excited! A little about me I am 23 he is 28 we have been married for six months and we are both so so excited to start our family!! April babies for us all!

9 years ago

Welcome cmmhopeful13! I hope we both get this month.

I am still waiting for O. I am trying to track it using bbt and opk digital (first time using this). Which kind of opk did you use?

Good Luck and lots of baby dust!

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9 years ago • Post starter

I have used answers but didn't love it. Now I use first response and its amazing really easy to read and at target its a great price!!

9 years ago

Hi Everyone! Hoping this month is my month as AF arrived this am, right on time of course :(. Second month using OPKs after just trying using CM for the past 6 months. So ready to add to my family and stop obsessing over TWWs!

9 years ago

Hey ladies, I am TTC #2 and am on my 3rd AF since I had Mirena removed May 22/15 and have been having short 22-24 day cycles. Currenlty on CD 4. I have a son who will be 8 in October. I feel like this is the month my cycle feels normal like it had prior to having my son 8 years ago. (never had af while mirena). I am BBT and opk's. Hopeful this is the month!
Baby dust to you all

9 years ago

hi am joining this group! Am CD54. Still no AF and a BFN this Am on a HPT. So I go Monday for a blood test. Hopefully I will have AF this month since I skipped June .
Good luck ladies

9 years ago

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