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ttc, it might be my month!

hello all :)

I just needed to post and talk somewhere! i have been ttc since October. i am 10 dpo and lately I've been feeling tired and a weird pressure on my lower stomach, with the occasional cramp. I have also been low in breath for a couple of days and quite moody lol. One symptom that I have is colostrum coming out of my nipples, i stopped breastfeeding about a year and half ago. I have tried to see a few times if I had milk left since i stopped breastfeeding and I never had any.

Any one else think this is their month?? I did test this morning, and saw a very faint line, but since I've been trying for so long, and seen so many false positives, I'm scared its another!

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4 Replies • 9 years ago



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You could very well be pregnant!! A faint + is a +
Prayers for you

9 years ago

woohooo :D another line today!! faint (slightly darker then yesterday) still but still there!

9 years ago • Post starter

Fantastic. Congratulations. I'm 5 dpo but feeling positive this cycle. My tummy looks pregnant and I've smelt everything for 2days.
Hpt are very sensitive meaning there are very few if ever false positives. But high sensitivity usually means lower specificity meaning there are more false negatives ( I. E bfn when it's actually a bfp). So celebrate and good luck for this pregnancy

9 years ago

wooohooo! i'm sure you'll find out soon enough! i felt things around 3-4 dpo as well, but shot em off in case i was putting symptoms in my head :D

9 years ago • Post starter

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