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January 2015 Babies

Hello, Ladies.

I wanted to start a group for the mama's expecting a January '15 baby.
Let's share our bfp stories and symptoms. Have you spread the news?
How are you feeling?

I am currently 6 weeks and 5 days along. DH and I have been TTC for a year now with two losses during our TTC journey. We have three children and are praying for one more to complete our family. I look forward to hearing from you and

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112 Replies • 10 years ago



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Hi there. We are due on Jan 9th. At 14 dpo I have LOTS of gas and no spotting so was suspicious. Breasts had been sore since 3dpo. 15dpo my temp was still high so I knew. Took the test and sure enough :) We tried for 2 years 4 months and during that time had a miscarriage at 10 weeks pregnant. I have amazing hCG (44,700 at 6 weeks) and have had all day nausea for about a week now. This morning I started bleeding though so we are a bit concerned. I will probably have an early scan sometime next week to check things out. Because of the previous miscarriage we decided to tell none of our friends or family until as late as possible. Very pleased about that decision now! We have no children as yet.

10 years ago

Hi, Shelob.

I'm sorry to hear about your loss. I too have not told anyone about my pregnancy. With our first mc DH shared the news at a family dinner and unfortunately the news spread like wildfire. There is nothing worse then getting congratulated for a pregnancy you are currently losing. :-( I plan on waiting as long as possible as well. My EDD is January 11.

On to the good stuff... On 5dpo I just felt pregnant, I just had this intuition. I tested on 8 dpo and got a bfn, then a light flow. I was so irritated with myself. I though AF had started early, however by 11dpo no sign of AF so I tested and got the faintest line in the history of faint lines. I tested again with a frer and another barely there line. I had some spotting at 5 weeks and thought the worst was happening, I spotted for a few days and thank god it stopped. I plan on going to my doctor on Monday to confirm my pregnacy with one of their hpt then get an appointment for 8/9 weeks. I didn't want to go in early get my 8week appointment just to have to cancel it again.

My fingers are crossed for you and your little one, hopefully the spotting is normal pregnancy spotting and nothing more. It's very jarring to see pink or red, good luck.

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10 years ago • Post starter

Shelob, hows everything going for you?

I'm heading to my doctors for a pg test and set up my 8week ultrasound! I'm 7w2d along.

Any other January babies out there?

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10 years ago • Post starter

Me!!! Due 14th Jan.... absolutely going out of my mind already thinking "am i still pregnant, is anything in there????" I feel so physically normal in myself at the mo and keep worrying something will go wrong :/
Is there ANYTHING i can do? Ie pay for an early scan or something? Just need sone peace of mind!!!!
Congrats ladies!!!! Xx

10 years ago

Hi BabyMine! That's great to hear :) I am doing much better. I had a scan on Monday and baby measured 7 weeks 4 days, one ahead of my calculations :) Heartbeat was seen too. Spotting has stopped. Still nauseus, VERY bloated (large tummy, hard to hide!!!) Still getting hunger pangs, sore breasts. Definitely pregnant! Last time was nothing like this! I didn't know what it felt like to be pregnant then. We are still keeping the secret from everyone. The longer we leave it the better as then it will be a great surprise and everyone will know we are out of the danger zone (or just about).

Katiekins I have a close friend who had next to no pregnancy symptoms. All she got was a big belly and swollen ankles towards the end! I say try not to be worried and just enjoy it. If something is wrong there is nothing you can do anyway. If all is going well, great you will have less to stress about :) I personally avoided going for a scan until I was bleeding as last pregnancy I hated having scans every 2 weeks, most of them inconclusive. As soon as we saw the heartbeat that time the baby died a day or two later. Give baby as much settling in time as possible :)

10 years ago

Thanks Shelob! Im gonna just try and not worry.... i have booked my first midwife appointment today! Exciting :) so are you about 8 weeks then? How nice that we can all go through the journey together!!!

10 years ago

Hi there,

I'm due 23rd January, I've been trying for my 3rd baby since Xmas 2012. I've had 2 miscarriages last year in April and July and nothing since now.

I started off with this pregnancy with lots of different symptoms and my boobs were really sore. I've had some spotting on days 9, 10 12 and 13 dpo but thought I was over that and that it might have been implantation bleeding. Then had more spotting yesterday and today (23dpo). My symptoms seem to be going too, they are definitely not as strong as they were a week ago. I've had my hcg levels checked at doctors but am awaiting the results.

I've only told people I need to tell at the moment as I don't want to have to explain another loss to everyone if or when it happens. I would love to start enjoying this pregnancy but am convinced I'm going to lose this one too.

Good luck to everyone on here, let's hope we all have successful and healthy pregnancies!xx

10 years ago

Sorry to hear you aren't feeling good about things ruth1981. Symptoms can come and go though, so try not to worry unless you get something concrete to worry about. The hCG tests should give an indication of what is going on. Have you had any investigations into why you are having the miscarriages? I had a miscarriage in april last year too, but I assujme it was the usual chromosome issues. That one had taken a year to conceive, then it too another year to conceive this one. I know what you mean by it being hard to enjoy the pregnancy. I feel much the same. My bleeding seems to have stopped now (whew) so I am getting hopeful again, but still a long way to go! We haven't told anyone, not even parents or my brother who we live with. Leaving those conversations for as long as we can.

Katiekins I am 8 weeks officially today, 8+1 in terms of development I think. I do love having people to share this with too. I get to do all my talking without letting the cat out of the bag to those close to me!

BabyMine how are you doing?

10 years ago

Hi, Ladies.

I'm so glad to have you all here to share the early weeks with. Ruth, I'm so sorry for your losses I know your pain. I too experienced bleeding with my current pregnancy and feared another miscarriage. Hopefully all will be well with you and your little one.

As for now I feel terrible. I'm having nausea almost all day. I'm super bloated and have zero energy. The only person I've told besides DH is my sister, her and I are really close and if anything happened she'd be there for emotional support. DH told his father and that made me really upset because my mil will tell the world. However my fil is not a gossip and knows his wife and says he won't say anything until we announce it. (Hopefully) When I had my first mc my mil told everyone, it was very uncomfortable to have people congratulate me on a pregnacy I was currently losing.

I'm currently 7w4d and still patiently waiting for my first ultrasound.

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10 years ago • Post starter

Thanks for your reassurance, Shelob and Babymine. I am up and down with how I feel, some days I feel confident about it and then I get more bleeding and I just think to myself why am I even thinking this might go well cause this is how my other miscarriages started. Its very reassuring to know others have had bleeding too and are still going strong!

They won't investigate the miscarriages Shelob until I've had 3 in a row. Like you I put them down to chromosome problems but the hardest thing about it all is you never find out the reason do you so it doesn't get easier next time.

Its so good that we can all share all this together as we all seem to have similar experiences.

Babymine, I hope you feel a bit better soon, although at least it is reassuring having so many symptoms, could you throw a few my way for me please, ha ha! A similar thing happened to us with our first miscarriage, we told his mum and before I knew it I had sil calling me about it so I text mil to say please don't tell anyone else and she said her husband had told all his family too! This was all within about an hour! So we didn't mention the 2nd pregnancy/miscarriage at all until it was all over and we'll do the same with this one.

Hope everyone is feeling alright today! Thanks again for the reassurance, it does help a lot!xxx

10 years ago

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