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Anyone Testing This Week or Next Week??

I'm expecting AF tomorrow and I really hope that she has decided to leave me alone for a while or more like 9 months. I'm going to be testing in the morning tomorrow but I'm scared and very anxious.

Anyone else that's on just about the same cylce or any words of encouragement.

Good Luck to you ladies!

353 Replies • 8 years ago



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Testing tomorrow morning also. I test this afternoon 11DPO and negative. I just couldn't wait lol. Let me know what your results are!

8 years ago

Hopefully it turns into s positive for you. I'm just so scared to test, I don't want to be let down.

8 years ago • Post starter

Testing next Friday. Fingers crossed, it'll be positive. It seems like a long wait though.

8 years ago

I started spotting pinkish brown 3 days ago now, due for AF Tuesday, I bought 4 cheapies today because I was impatient. 11DPO tomorrow, and trying to decide if I should test again or wait at least another day...Had lots of other symptoms too, but was not TTC, id love a happy accident!

8 years ago

Hello ladies. I am also in that crazy situation . But I will be brave and test tomorrow. My cycle has been quite crazy but I am hopeful still.

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8 years ago

Rima good luck. I know going through the last week in the TWW is one of the hardest things ever. We are all here to support you so definitely keep me posted on how things are going for you.

Letsgetlucky-spotting is always good. Tuesday is right around the corner. I think you should wait another day I know which can definitely seem like an eternity because we all definitely don't want anything false at all.

Lalou- we're both testing tomorrow and I'm so scared. I've been so happy this cycle and I don't want to end up being crushed you know. But the bees of luck to you. I hope your little bean stuck and you have your two lines.

Ladies I would love to hear the results and definitely if anyone needs to vent at any point. Good luck ladies Try not to stress too much.

8 years ago • Post starter

I have 5 days missed AF not sure ir its just days behind or im hopefuly prego ???? i did a hpt a few days ago got a BFN got a little disappointed :/ since weve been ttc for a yr and a half already and nothing yet.. will do a hpt tomorrow so wish me luck!!

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8 years ago

Well ladies, bfn. I'll be checking back in hopes that you all get a bfp!

8 years ago

I am 10 dpo and desparately trying to wait until Monday to test!

I am 34 and we've been ttc for a year and a half now. I wasn't so worried for the first year, I was on bc for almost 15 yrs so figured it would take a while, but am starting to get impatient. If it's not a sticky bean this month I think I may need to make an appt with my Dr.

Fingers crossed for BFP for us all soon!

8 years ago

Jenjellybean- I'm sorry that it was a bfn. I was hoping that you would see your positive today. I know is hard but try to keep your head up no matter what. Good Luck on this cycle. I hope your bean sticks.

sInshrra27- good luck and I hope you get your positive. Try not to stress because that's is own issue. Good luck!

Twwtoolong-well at least if you do go to the Dr you at least get a peace of mind. I don't think anything is seriously wrong it could be that your body might still be getting adjusted......maybe. but good luck! !

Fingers crossed ladies that we get our sticky bean even if it's not this cycle make it be the next.

8 years ago • Post starter

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