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Community post


Positively Scared!

I just found out via cheapy dollar test. I am excited, and freaking out. This was unplanned.

13 Replies • 10 years ago



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Replies (sorted by laughs)

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Congratulations! Xx

10 years ago

congrats! @1991court this is exactly how I found out too!! the simple dollar test ... how far along are you?

10 years ago

I estimate that i am 5 weeks 5 days.

10 years ago • Post starter

I have no idea when I ovulated ... so I only have the calculators ... have you shared the news yet? I have been trying to find others who are around similar far along. Mine is unplanned too

10 years ago

Just told the father an hour ago.. he told me to get an abortion, told him no now we are talking about the future.. its hard. My mom knows havent told dad, and some friends know..

10 years ago • Post starter

ah that's rough, guys do go into shock. I know I'm still in shock myself. Not attached to anything right now ie still being in shock. For me no one knows, the one person I was going to ask (didn't pick up) and busy w/ work so away from all forms of communication.

At least you're talking, that's a good thing. Take a breath

10 years ago

So your not sure how far along you are? when was the 1st day of your last period and how long is your cycle?

10 years ago • Post starter

My last cycle started May 7 and lasted until May 11

April it lasted 5 days April 6-10.

March 11-18.

10 years ago

I think you and I are due about the same time I am due 2/12/15. From what I figure you have a cycle average from the 2 you gave me of 29 and last period starting May 7th making you also due 2/12/15 if I am correct your 5 weeks also.

10 years ago • Post starter

wow that is some math going on!

10 years ago

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