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Faint BFP after two weeks late?? PLEASE READ!!!

My LMP was January 24th. I haven't been more than maybe 5 days late in the past 3 years. (And that only happened once or maybe twice) It's now of course March 8th, so even with a 30 day cycle, I'm two weeks late. If not for everything that's been going on with me physically and emotionally, I'd never even think pregnancy was possible... (I'll get to that soon) But I'm now pretty worried because besides being late, I've been sick the past 3 days straight. No appetite. Nausea.. Ugh.. Everything stinks! My SO cooked on Sunday, and I felt so bad because I gave mine to his son to eat and lied saying that I ate it. (It just smelled so terrible!) My boobs are much fuller, areolas seem a big larger. Another weird thing is my CP has been high for the past two weeks. (I'm not an experienced CP checker, but I know that I can only reach it with the tip of my middle finger pushing upwards). Also, my vaginal walls (sorry if TMI) are so swollen, that I can barely push through to even get to my cervix. Another weird thing that happened to me was vertigo for 3 days straight. (Around the time I was due) It was awful! It's like dizziness on steroids. I thought I was going to pass out at work because I couldn't steady myself. But even sitting down, the room was spinning. Also.. Terrible headaches, runny/messy nose. Going to pee every two seconds it seems. But that only started about 3 days ago, right around when the nausea hit me. My muscles above my belly button have gotten tighter, along with my ribs being kind of tender. Hard to describe that one. I can't seem to get comfortable at night anymore. (Back, ribs, stomach, and PEEING)

Sorry, I'm rambling. Just trying to remember everything because it's been so much lately. Crying!!! I cried at the silliest thing a couple of weeks ago, maybe longer. And since then, just been really emotional. Right before I missed my period, I had diarrhea (sorry, TMI) for a straight week. And it wasn't a stomach bug because I was the only one sick. But now, I'm constipated. My lower back is killing me. I've been feeling like I'm about to start, but then I never do. I get the lower pelvic cramps along with lower back aches, and I just know AF is coming... But she hasn't...

Ok, so 3 days before AF was due, I took two HPTs. They looked negative at first, but then it looked like the faintest line. I posted a few pics trying to see if anyone else could see it. I waited until I was officially two weeks LATE to test. Yesterday, I took one Clearblue (but the off brand) and two $ store cheapies. I saw the faintest line, but then my sister couldn't, so I let it go. Then my niece got home and saw a line. Sure enough, there was pink on the line! So I got freaked out and decided I would take another this morning with FMU. I used a generic Clearblue, and saw the line right away! I posted two pics on here earlier. One was taken right away. The other was taken right after the 10 minute mark. I also took a pink dye $ store cheapie to be safe. I'm not seeing a dark line, but there's something there. I'll post a pic soon to get opinions.

I wanted to add this lastly because I didn't know how to say it without being judged prematurely. But the reason I haven't worried much and waited so long to test is because my SO had a vasectomy 14 years ago. (I know. You're probably thinking I'm crazy. I feel it too.) We've been together for 3 years, and never had any problems with my cycle or any possible pregnancy. Nor have I EVER been unfaithful. I wanted to also add that I've had a UTI for about a month that I'm fighting off, so maybe that's delayed my period?? But then what about the faint BFPs??

My MAIN question is this... Have any of you tested that far along (about 6 weeks pregnant), and still gotten a faint BFP? I'm worried that it's a chemical pregnancy, and so my levels won't rise enough to show anything darker. I'm trying my best to stay calm because I know stress can/will delay AF. But I'm just now starting to worry. Two weeks later... I do know my younger sister tested at 7 weeks and continued to get negatives. She didn't get a positive until she was 11 weeks along, and she still couldn't see the line!! But my beautiful niece will be 6 in July, and she's as happy and healthy as ever.

I know the odds are against me. Believe me, I do. I just don't have anyone I can talk to about this. My family isn't really close. My SO is just difficult to talk to. I don't have many friends my age here. So I just wanted someone to discuss this over with me, without making me feel like I'm an idiot or crazy person. I wish you all happy and healthy pregnancies.. Or a very clear BFP in the near future! If you've gotten this far in my post, God bless you for taking the time to read someone else's story. I truly appreciate and welcome any and all opinions/stories/discussions/theories/etc.. Just please don't be too harsh. Thank you so much and have a great week!!! ;-)

6 Replies • 8 years ago



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Replies (sorted by laughs)

1 - 6 of 6 Replies

Hi there. I don't have any definitive answers for you but I would call your doctor and get a blood test. This way you'll know for sure. Good luck!

8 years ago

Thanks so much for your reply! I did just that today and I go tomorrow. I'll update ASAP! Thank you!!!

8 years ago • Post starter

Blood test will give you a definite and you won't have to keep peeing on sticks and worrying . I didn't get a positive until I was a week late with my first two . Maybe you ovulated late ???

8 years ago

I was thinking maybe late ovulation earlier tonight. I'm just so lost. I've never charted or anything because I never thought anything possible. But I'll get blood test done to set my mind at ease either way. Thanks so much for your reply! ;-)

8 years ago • Post starter

Hi phoebe,
If you have never charted or used opk' s then you will have no idea of when you ovulated. A lot of women ovulate nearer to CD20, or if ovulation doesn't happen then it can ovulate much further in your cycle which would extend it. My point is, without you knowing when you ovulated it could still be very early days if you are pregnant.
Also antibiotics can cause a really strong ovulation, you would have had excess cm (I had streaks of blood in my ewcm). Doctors used to give antibiotics to women with fertility issues as standard.
Hope you get the result you want, I thought I saw a line in your test too

8 years ago

Thanks so much for your reply. I remember thinking "Hey, I must be ovulating" because I was having tons of creamy cm. It was actually the most I've ever noticed before. And I only really noticed because it was white, not clear. I just have no idea when that was.. I have considered maybe I didn't ovulate, but when I remembered this, I was very doubtful. Thank you very much for taking the time to give me your advice and opinion. It's truly appreciated! Hopefully I'll be out of limbo soon!!! :-)

8 years ago • Post starter

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