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Implantation Bleeding Question


I'm currently at 16DPO and CD28. I'm regular with 30 days cycle and AF comes in like clockwork. Except this month, I O'd earlier than usual (CD12 or 13 instead of the normal CD 17). so my LP days started early and was told by the tracking apps that I should be getting my period early (which I still have not). I've been experiencing just light cramps to almost no cramps at all. My BBT remains high and has yet to drop.

My worry and question is about the brown light discharge I'm having. Is it normal to have it more than 2 days? On my 11 DPO, I saw some brown light spotting when I wipe and it went on until the next day. No spotting on 13 DPO. However, 14 DPO and 15 DPO (yesterday) there's brown spotting in my pads (only happens in the afternoon though). Today at 16 DPO, I can only see it sometimes when I wipe after urination but not all the time. Is this something I should worry about?

I have yet to do an HPT. I'm waiting until Sunday to test.

Does anybody have an idea of what this could be?

3 Replies • 8 years ago



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Just in case anybody is wondering. My doctor told me to test on Saturday and I got a BFP on Saturday morning. Because of how many days I was spotting, my doctor had me test for hCG level. I did it this morning and I had the result of 297. Normal for 4 weeks and 3 days pregnant. I'm having a second hCG test on Friday morning. Still not sure what the spotting was about last week.

8 years ago • Post starter

I spotted for 4 days with my first pregnancy and nothing was wrong.

8 years ago

Hi Missymi, that's what it sounds like - part of the pregnancy...Thanks!

8 years ago • Post starter

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