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Who here is praying for either a bfp or AF?!?!

I know this may sound strange on a ttc site but I am PRAYING for AF. In the past three years I have never been regular. I think this past year was the best for me. Came in July, August, September, October and November. Before July I think it came in May but other than that I would be lucky to see it every 4-5 months .

I keep testing and getting . I check my cervix and it has still not opened up like it does before AF . I CANNOT go back to not ovulating. I can't.

So who here understands what I am saying? Please either be or at least ! Anyone else hoping for either?

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4 Replies • 12 years ago



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I know how you feel! I was praying for AF a week ago, after a year of nursing my son and then previous my pregnancy I haven't had a cycle for 1 year 10 months and 20 days. So af showed 6 days ago and I was so happy she did. We are ttcing next cycle and I needed 2 cycles in order to try. I hope she shall grace you or you at least get your !!

12 years ago

I totally understand where you are coming from! On May 8th, 2010 came on her own...YES 2010!! I got married on May 15th and I have always been irregular so I didn't pay much attention. Well then DH and I decided to start TTC and went to the OB this past August 2011. She gave me precription progesterone to induce . Then I went another 2.5 months with and . So after much research, I purchased natural progesterone cream to see if I could bring on myself. I used two pumps a day-one in the morning and one in the evening. You use it for 14 days and then stop or stop if spotting occurs, which ever is first. After 11 days I started spotting and officially started 3 weeks ago, Nov 21st! I was so thrilled!! So then on Cd 3-7 I took soy isoflavones to bring on ovulation. I have been charting my bbt for the first time this cycle, and wouldn't you believe that I actually ovulated on CD 14?!!! How crazy with someone who doesn't get or O on her own on a regular basis!

So now, I'm 6 dpo and waiting! I really really REALLY want a but I will be relieved to see as well. It's when nothing happens that is so frustrating! You can't get pregnant if you're not getting .

Have you tried natural progesterone cream to try to regulate your cycle? Vitex? or are you working with your doctor?

12 years ago

This is just frustrating! I have an appt tomorrow and if no baby my dr will most likely give me provera again. Just once I would like to go back to been regular on my own. I'm envious of the ladies who are capable of it, never thought in a million years I would want my . Worst part of it all - My future DH keeps calling me everyday - "Are you pregnant??" I feel so bad for him

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12 years ago • Post starter

AGHHHH! My heads going to explode before I make it to my dr's appt on friday. What the heck is this now??? User Image Srsly. FML. My OPKs have never been this dark after ovulation. For the past 2 months they were working just fine. And now this A + after O. I Thought my PCOS was under control. Maybe is acting back up again. More drugs for me I guess.

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12 years ago • Post starter

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