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ovulation and conception questions

I took my first pregnancy test on may 21st. My last period was April 11. I had sex on the 27th of April and I use a period tracker to track my periods and it says I ovulated on the 28th of April . the doctor gave me a due date of January 16. Is the due date based on a 28 day cycle cause my cycle is 31 days .which I know they use my last period date to figure out the due date. i also would like to know a conception date . I believe it was after the 28th. Or somewhere around there. I'm also 27 and 2 days pregnant with a very active baby boy(: if anyone could help me figure it out. Thanks(:

5 Replies • 9 years ago



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Replies (sorted by informative)

1 - 5 of 5 Replies

If they didnt do a dating scan then the edd would be based off of the first day of ur last menstrual period, they dont calculate it from ovulation or 28 days cycles, just lmp.

9 years ago

So my ultrasound had a edd of 1/22/15 but the doctor said the 16th of January. I had a 9 week ultrasound to confirm my pregnancy .

9 years ago • Post starter

U could go by either really. My first ultrasound was 4 days behind my lmp but my ob stuck with my lmp becuz theres always a variance in the first bit. That was my 8wk dating scan and by my 12th and 20wk scans, she was consistently ahead in growth. Becuz ur using an app, its hard to know exactly when u O'd/conceived so I would just stick with what the ob says and make a mental note of what the scan said. Have u had any since? He may have just been off to a slow start like mine was.

9 years ago

Yes I have had plenty of scans since and a detailed one to check his growth and nothing has really changed . I just wanted to make sure we were on the right track with everything . I have a really small belly for 7 months and I was a little worried but everything looks good.

9 years ago • Post starter

Awww dont worry too much, ur belly will get bigger in no time, u probably just carry pregnancy very well.

9 years ago

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