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Ovulated Early? Spotting 5dpo

Hey ladies,

I am TTC baby #1- this cycle I believe I OV on oct 31st which is CD 12 and now 5DPO i got some red spotting. Im unsure if it is too early to get implantation bleeding or not.

Any advice?

12 Replies • 9 years ago



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Replies (sorted by informative)

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Hi adele89

Im 10dpo and I had spotting at 4/5 dpo and ever since then ive been getting cramps so im sure it was implantation bleeding...and the cramps im getting is just my uterus preparing for bubs fx for us and lets hope we get our
Im going to test tomorrow xx

9 years ago

Hi Katrina89,

Im so happy to hear that someone else is experiencing what I am. I am getting some light cramping now as well. I am 7dpo today and hoping for a BFP! Do you know when you ovulated?

9 years ago • Post starter

Yeah it was either 27/28 thats why I think it was implantation bleeding. ..fx just as im writing this post im still getting some mild cramping/ tightening I hope this is a sign as ive been trying for 6 months...also ive been having lots of white creamy cm (tmi) and I heard this could be a sign too...I just want tomorrow to hurry up as is due and if she doesnt show im testing eeek..

9 years ago

I wish you all the best! I hope you get your Keep me posted!

9 years ago • Post starter

Hi I tested again and still af due and no sign..testing tomoz fx. to you... stay awayyyyy.

9 years ago

good luck!

9 years ago • Post starter

Hello adele89 have you tested 14 dpo and still no sign of af dont know whats going on..

9 years ago

Just tested and... im in shock its v v v faint but its there hope its a sticky bean fx testing tomorrow to be certain as it was really faint xx

9 years ago

Hi Katrina89,

Congratulations on your ! You make me very hopeful that I get mine as well. I'm so happy for you!

I tested last night at 10dpo and got but my AF is still a week away and it may be too early. I'll take another test monday if Af stays away.

9 years ago • Post starter

Did you confirm your ? Im going to wait another day or so before retesting.

9 years ago • Post starter

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