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HCG Levels - everyone is different!

So I'm at 10dpo today and feel WAY different than the normal TWW, so I'm almost convinced that I'm preggo. Of course I was impatient and took a HPT with FMU and guess what - BFN. And what did I do after that? Yep, I Googled why.

I found this post and found it super informative. I love how she broke this down for all of you that AREN'T getting BFP at 10dpo (like me!).

hCG doubles every 48 hours, as many of you know. You can even have a level of 1 - 5 in a non pregnant state.

Implantation could be later than you think!

If a woman implants at 7dpo, with a 'non-pregnant' hCG level of 1 (which is totally normal) it would rise as follows:

7dpo - 1miu hcg
9dpo - 2miu
11dpo - 4miu
13dpo [Day AF is typically due] - 8miu
15dpo - 16miu

So this lady wouldn't finnd out until 14dpo on a very senstive 10miu pregnancy test. Obviously if she implants LATER than 7dpo (which is normal) she will find out even later.

Now, Take a lady who implants at 7dpo, But has a 'non-pregnant' hCG level of 5. Hers looks like this;

7dpo - 5miu
9dpo- 10miu - Could find out here on super drug own, internet cheapie
11dpo - 20miu - Could find out here with freedom cheapie strip/most poundland tests and asda own]
13dpo - 40miu [day period is typically due] Most tests would pick it up here

So, This lady, Even though implantation is on the same say for both ladies, Can find out MUCH sooner. Now, If this lady were to implant at 6dpo she could potentially find out at just 8dpo. But if the first lady were to implant at 12dpo, She would find out even later, Even if they have the same cycle and OV days!

So, with that said, I'm going to keep praying that this weird bloating, fatigue, twinges, headache, and sensitivity to smell really is my internal BFP and I can test in a few days to confirm. But in the meantime, I'm going to rely on communities to keep myself occupied!

Baby dust and blessings to you all!

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I beat PCOS with lots of hope, faith & some drugs after a miscarriageMama to #littlemissgoo

6 Replies • 8 years ago



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>.<; I found this too and am hoping what's happening to me. I'm 16DPO right now, 3 full days late for AF (on day 4 now), but negative tests.

Before my MC in December last year, I tested positive on 16DPO, but I used FMU. Lol, today I got impatient and tested 16DPO... literally at around 1am ish, so not actually FMU, but regardless, it was negative.

I keep trying to be positive that I *COULD* be pregnant and I have low hCG, but it's hard. So, thanks for posting this! I needed to read something with a chart haha

8 years ago

You deserve a great big cookie for posting this! lol This is probably THE most helpful thing I've seen posted on any of the TTC boards I've been using lately. I see countless posts by panicked women who are late and can't understand why they keep getting a BFN. This type of information should be pinned on the home page of every TTC site. While there are many reasons for a late AF, many women don't understand just how low hcg levels can be in early pregnancy, even when you've got every symptom in the book.

8 years ago

Thank you for this post. So now i can feel better for my BFN's lol.

But it's just so hard to shake off that urge to test early! GRR.

8 years ago

This is great information!! But, as I'm reading this, a question comes to mind! Would your non-pregnant HCG level change from pregnancy to pregnancy? I got a BFP before AF was due last time I got pregnant, but I'm several days late and still haven't gotten a BFP this time around (of course I may not actually be pregnant, but I definitely feel pregnant!!)

8 years ago

I feel a little better after reading this... But still anxious. Two FRER with BFN and now bright red spotting two days before AF... I can't recall having spotting that much in advance that was anything but brownish. :/

8 years ago


My guess is that your hormone levels (that are ever-changing) CAN be different. Countless women have had different things happen from pregnancy to pregnancy, mainly symptoms, but I can't see why your levels wouldn't change either!


Keep being patient - you could be getting implantation bleeding and a longer literal phase than you're used to and the hormones haven't gone into full blown production yet!


I'm sorry for your loss - I personally just had an early MC 6-7 weeks in this weekend. Did you get your BFP or did ugly old AF show? Either way, it's in your life's plan and I wish you the best!

Ladies, all we can do during the TWW is keep hoping, keep taking care of ourselves, keep testing and keep trusting that it will happen in God's time!! Sticky baby dust to all of you!

I beat PCOS with lots of hope, faith & some drugs after a miscarriageMama to #littlemissgoo

8 years ago • Post starter

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