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I'm Pregnant!-- Symptoms by DPO

Hey Ladies,

I know that almost every cycle I obsessed over all of the "symptoms by DPO" of girls who got their BFPS! So, I thought ya'll might find this useful :)

1-5dpo- Had no symptoms. I was full of energy, felt lively, optimistic.

6dpo- That night I remember thinking my period is so far away (not due for another 7 days at least) but I had a random inkling something was off. I just laughed it off since we had only BD'd 2 that cycle.

7dpo- I woke up and caved! I tested and had the FAINTEST line. It looked like an evap you couldnt tell if it had color!

8dpo-10dpo- I was EXHAUSTED. Its not like a normal feeling of being tired, or pulling an all nighter. It was like I had the FLU and had been run over truck. I fell asleep everyday around 8pm!

11dpo-I took another test and it came back a bit stronger. But when I went in to get a test from the clinic it came back negative!!! That day I was drinking a lot more water (I love soda, but for some reason I wanted water!) Also, I noticed I was a bit short of breath! Weird.

12dpo-14dpo- I was still exhausted, but by this point my breast were like doubling in size! They weren't really tender, but were def. growing! I also spotted on the 14th day! I thought I was getting AF. But it was only when I wiped and REALLY light.

I waited until 17dpo to test again and sure enough it was a strong positive!

Since then I've had nausea, back pain, still exhausted and my breasts are a couple of cups sizes up!

I hope this helps!!! I always told myself I would be one of those people to help other ladies out so any questions let me know, after MANY cycles I know the 2ww is unbearable!!

***BABY DUST!!!!!***

5 Replies • 9 years ago



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1 - 5 of 5 Replies

Thats wonderful congrats to you. Thank u for posting this. Weird that a lot of people don't respond to posts on here. I am 7 dpo and am hoping this month is the one...=)

9 years ago



9 years ago

I'm 15dpo and can't sleep. No sign of AF and after my first child I've had cramps, spotting, major moodiness, and a ton of more pms signs.
This morning I had a bfn and now I'm super scared to POAS again.
When should I retest?
I don't want to list my dpo symptoms as I'm probably manifesting somewhat lol

Had weird cramp 7dpo lower right abdomen near groin. I have had hot flashes and my body temp has been running high randomly... Few other symptoms but like I said before I could be hoping too much :S

9 years ago

I would wait around 48 hours to restest! It can be super scary to test after a bfn but remember that sometimes the little bean could be a late bloomer so to speak. It might need a bit more time to build up hcg and show up! I had that negative test in the clinic and just two days later it was positive at home! ;) Also not every preg is the same with my first I had wierd cravings even before testing this time I felt completely normal!!! Keeping my fingers crossed for ya!!! Keep me posted!

9 years ago • Post starter

@adriana005 Yay! Sending baby dust your way!! GL

9 years ago • Post starter

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