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8 days late, no definite bfp, preggo/PMS symptoms. HELP!

Like I said, I'm officially 8 days late. I'm not exactly regular, and can be off by a few days. The longest I've ever been late was a week, and that was due to pretty bad sleep deprivation.

However, I am getting no bfp. Several times, I've gotten very light lines that could easily be evap lines, I guess, because they are either extremely light, very thin, or both.

I'm having some of my normal pms symptoms, like moodiness and breast pain, but the moodiness isn't as bad, while the breast pain is at least twice or three times as bad as normal. I keep getting cramps, a lot of times on the right side of my lower abdomen, near the pelvic bone. They aren't bad, but I still expect my period with them. I've also recently (in the past week or two) developed some wicked insomnia. I've been nauseous, and certain smells drive me crazy.

Could this be a miscarriage that isn't completing the process of Elimination? A stubborn pregnancy that won't show on urine tests?or is it just my screwed up cycle again?

Opinions please!

1 Reply • 9 years ago



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i had this and when i found i was pregnant i went for scan as the copper coil had just been removed, turns out i had ovulated late in that cycle because of a diet i was on ..i took test all the way up to what i thought was 12 dpo in fact i was only 6 dpo, it can happen , for me it ws a keto diet i was on that was so extreme it knocked my ovulation out of wack took ages to get a bfp but i did, good luck and maybe reassess your dates? if you are are sure of your ov date then sometimes HCG takes a while to build up plus you maybe not implant till day 12 which can happen which would mean a bfp not possible to maybe day 13..or even 14 just hang in there i have had tests that look bfp but were not (was tring 3 years so alot of tests^^, when i had my chemical it was the day of my af that got a postitive test but obv a full flow hope this helps hun ) xx

Think positive thoughts until you're proven wrong.

9 years ago

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