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1dpo!! who's with me!?!?

The tww is the worst!!

105 Replies • 7 years ago



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Yes it is. I just started 1dpo for me.

7 years ago

Keep me updated on any symptom you get and I'll do the same so we can compare!! Baby dust!!

7 years ago • Post starter

Back from a long break... 1 dpo and sticky bean here I come! Good luck to you ladies!

7 years ago

Baby dust and sticky bean to you ladies too!!. I'm either 3 or 4dpo now, the only thing I've noticed is small pains on my right side that come and go and some cramping...hoping this is my rainbow baby!!

7 years ago • Post starter

I am also 1DPO...I will be going to Florida on the 21st and I am so glad because it will help take my mind off of testing

7 years ago

Period is due thanksgiving day for me. What a perfect thing to be thankful for if I get a BFP for for my rainbow baby! So hoping I will. Fingers and toes crossed lol. Good luck everyone! Hopefully this is our month! ????????????

7 years ago • Post starter

Mine is due on the 26th so not too far off from Thanksgiving...I swear if we, no WHEN we get our BFP I know we will all be beyond estatic. I get back to Cali from Florida on the 26th and will be there starting on the 21st. Im just planning on tempting and noting symptoms while I am there since I just want to enjoy the time there...Going to test on the 26th. This will be my rainbow baby as well.

7 years ago

I hope you have a great trip!! Keep me posted once you test!!

7 years ago • Post starter

I hope you have a great trip!! Keep me posted once you test!!

7 years ago • Post starter

Hey girls, can I hop on to this group? I'm 3dpo today and I think you guys are too? anyway we're super close to the same dates so I would love to have some friends to wait out this TWW with?

AFM this was my first clomid cycle. I also took starflower oil , omega 3 and mucinex. I gave it everything. I'm hoping and praying for an August baby

how are you ladies feeling? Any strange or unusual symptoms? Are you guys temping?

TTC#1 MC <img src=

7 years ago

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