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So just now, I had this weird fluttering in my lower stomach... like... I don't know... as if you were running around on bubble wrap or something... like... things popping (but it didn't hurt).

I'm trying not going to get excited about this... going to attribute it to gas or something since I got a BFN today and AF is due tomorrow.

Anyway.. aside from the fluttering I've been having twinges of cramps on and off for the last week, my breasts have been sore (and the slightest touch makes my nipples react), headaches/neckaches, and strong smelling urine.

I was just wondering if anyone else has ever felt something like this fluttering? It was weird..

6 Replies • 12 years ago



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Replies (sorted by likes)

1 - 6 of 6 Replies

yes i have felt little twinges and flutters now and again. i feel bloated and breast fullness, my nipples are very tender. sometimes i feel famished and wanna eat all the time. been having vivid dreams the last few nights and getting a lil stressed out with this wait. due for AF on 2/14. had 2 neg tests so far. never felt like this before and first time im feeling symptoms like this.

386 / 6000 Emojis


12 years ago

could be just pms?? as both pg and af often carry the same symptoms. I get those (symptoms you are describing) just before AF, starting with the week before. I don't mean to burst your bubble though. Don't get discouraged, as everyone's different. it could mean a BFP for you! :)
Good luck, ~~babydust~~

User Image Me: 23 DH: 30 Married: June 2010 ttc#1 - lets make it happen! where are you sticky bean? Need a

12 years ago

Not for me this month. :-/ AF came a day late. Wiped this morning and there she was.

Oh well...

EDIT: There were only a couple tiny spots of blood. When I got to work this morning there was nothing. And still nothin 12 hours later.

So...... I dunno.

12 years ago • Post starter

how is everything? i hope af stayed away.
Please keep us posted,

User Image Me: 23 DH: 30 Married: June 2010 ttc#1 - lets make it happen! where are you sticky bean? Need a

12 years ago

Eden23: Thanks for checking... AF officially decided to come last night... after dinner... on V-day. :-/ I'm hating mother nature right now. This month AF is also accompanied by the worst cramps of my life. Ugh!

12 years ago • Post starter

Oh sunshinebear,
I can only imagine . I hope the pain goes away very soon. *sigh = no fun
I'm pulling for ya this cycle. I pray it turns out better and .
In my prayers .

User Image Me: 23 DH: 30 Married: June 2010 ttc#1 - lets make it happen! where are you sticky bean? Need a

12 years ago

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