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November 2018 babies

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Welcome to the November 2018 babies club! I am starting this discussion a little early I am sure. I carried over from September and October 2018 babies and hoping to see some BFP soon!

please excuse any typos as I'm on my cell phone

380 Replies • 6 years ago



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Hi Everyone. Switching over here from October board. Got AF today. I was expecting it so it wasn't a huge surprise. One to cycle #6 of trying. This will make it half a year. I never imagined that it would take this long to get pregnant. I hope everyone is doing well!

6 years ago

Katyfootballmama those are the ones i use. There was a 2 pack of reusable on amazon for about 8$. I just wash it with my feminine wash when i take it out.
Sorry, flamingogirl13, i was keeping up with you in oct board.
I had my 4 day hormone testing done yesterday. My dr suggested iui if i wanted or keep trying the clomid. I figured I'd see what the tests show and go from there.
On cd5. Af left cd3 but today I've started cramping and spotting again after nothing yesterday. I usually have 3-4 day periods. I started cd25 which is 4 days early. So hopefully the tests will figure something out.

6 years ago • Edited

Good morning, ladies! How are you all doing this morning? Im on cd6. My af was 3 days, off 4th, cramping and spotting yesterday, just af cramps today. My cycle is never over 3/4 days so the prolonged stuff is annoying. On second day of clomid. Waiting on hormone test results.
Baby dust to all!!!

6 years ago

Hello everyone. I am on CD 4, hoping for a bfp this month. The only thing that scares me is I have a son with a November bday, and one with a December as well. So if I get my bfp, the end of the year will be busy! Any one on same cycle day as me? The tww is the worst. My tracker says I should be fertile
In 4 days

Son 1- 2007. Son2 -2010 son3- 2012

6 years ago

Just checking in again!

CD14 for me and so far doing really great at not stressing this cycle. I'm just excited to start my progesterone cream in the next couple days to see if it helps my mood. I should O on Tuesday or Wednesday... Hopefully we get in at least one more BD before then. Last cycle I pushed it and tried to make sure we BD'd enough and it wasn't even fun. Not doing that this cycle!! We'll BD when we want in the fertile window and pray for the rest!

6 years ago

Hi everyone!! This is my first time ever posting in one of these groups but I’ve been lurking forever!! Been ttc my first for 15 months now, but first round on clomid. CD 9, O should be on its way within the next few days. OPK testing every 12 hours until positive. BD tomorrow and Wednesday night at least, praying that this is my month even though I’m not religious, figure it’s worth a shot. So far been feeling nauseous and a little crampy. I’m not sure if that’s normal on clomid or for O time. Haven’t O’d in a few months. Wishing us all baby dust, sticky vibes. Here’s to hoping for our BFP and sticky babies!!!

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6 years ago

Killers - I think that is when it says I should ovulate! Cannot wait to follow you and see if we get our bfp! I am taking " at home fertility vitamins" so let's see if it helps!

Son 1- 2007. Son2 -2010 son3- 2012

6 years ago

Emrabbttc i get nasious and crampy with clomid. I took it 6 cycles in 2015 and got pregnant 6th (last) cycle.
Been on for the 4th cycle now. Last pill tomorrow. Crossing fingers for all of us!

6 years ago

Kelliria yay for almost being done with clomid!!! Good luck this month, I’ll definitely keep my fingers crossed for you darling!! I’m glad to hear that nausea and cramping is normal bc I usually don’t feel that way normally.

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6 years ago

Hi everyone, just found out this website few days ago and decided to join as AF just showed up this morning. Last month was my first cycle of clomid + hcg injection and was really hoping that I can get a BFP. I didn't even get a chance to test and AF showed up early. Will be starting round 2 clomid tomorrow.

6 years ago

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