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TTC January 2019 Baby

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Hello ladies I have created a new forum for those TTC.

I have been on CTP since June. We conceived on our 7th cycle but ended in a miscarriage. We did try our first cycle after loss but AF decided to show instead. So hear is to 2nd cycle after a loss and hope to get a baby!!!
I have seen a lot of ladies go through the heartache, stress to a I am happy to be following most of you on this journey. Hope you continue to follow me on to the next month.

*It’s all in His Timing *

Praying for my baby and my future baby

291 Replies • 6 years ago • Edited



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Beaut1ful- sounds like things are going in your favour this cycle! Sending you lots of Im a little jealous, Its school holidays here at the moment, so all 3 kids home will make DTD so much harder

CD18 here today and still negative OPK!! Yyyaaaayyyy!!! I'll be able to DTD on the night of CD20, then hopefully get my smiley CD21 and DTD CD21 and 22. I'm not overly hopeful for this cycle because of my short LP. But having the plan to try vitex and maca from CD1 next cycle at least makes me feel like I have a plan to help things along and makes me feel a bit calmer. Anyway I'm rambling, TTC is making me so anxious.

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6 years ago

Thank you for all the kind words. I will do the same as I did last cycle. I’ll take EPO starting tomorrow, track my BBT during my fertile days and confirm O and use up the last of my OPKs. Talked to DH and we are both sad but also agreed that we aren’t “tired” of trying we are just tired of all the waiting. I’m still positive that we will get the baby we are waiting for!

@Beautiful38 - Sounds like you have a good plan for your fertile week! Good luck hun!

@Mistique - I’m glad to hear you haven’t gotten your peak yet and your body is waiting for your DH!

and to us all this cycle!

6 years ago

K8mcm88- I am taking EPO till ovulation, prenatal vitamins,omega 3 and baby aspirin.

Mistique- oh glad to hear your not ovulating yet (in a positive way) and your better half gets home soon!! Oh yes so you know how it can be DTD at night when “yourself” is sometimes exhausted LOL.

Flamingogirl- Best of luck this cycle.

6 years ago • Edited • Post starter

What good news to hear today Mistique!! Your body is waiting for the right moment! Fingers crossed that all the timing works out for you and your DH!

I'm just trying to be patient at CD3 and will start using OPKs on CD9.

6 years ago

Hi all, hope its alright if I lurk around in this group, AF is due 11th or 12th of this month, and I feel like I'm out this month, but will only be trying for this month and next then I will go on the pill so I don't get pregnant to close or am preggers for my wedding day which is 12th April next year. I would love it if I had a December baby my sister who passed 9 years ago was a xmas eve babe.
to all and hope you all get your this cycle

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6 years ago

Hi all, so I am def trying for a jan baby now... AF has finally turned up. The last 2 days was pink spotting and then brown 24 hours later so I’m pretty upset, really thought this was our month. Oh well, lucky cycle number 16 I got to 13 dpo this time though which is a positive as normally I’m only 11 dpo before AF arrives. Hubby gets to go do his thing in a cup tomorrow now, he was really really hoping I was pregnant I think mainly so he wouldn’t have to do it haha.

This month I will be taking pre natal, vitamin d, vitamin b complex, propollis, EPO till ovulation and then for the first time trying vitex and MACA Root. Will also be using clear blue digital ovulation. Anyone any other recommendations? to all the ladies here! Xxxxx

Hoping for our little baby number 1 soon

6 years ago

Oh forgot to mention I’m also going to accupuncture/Chinese herbalist tomorrow for fertility so will see how that goes - has anyone tried that before? At the beginning of ttc I sort of thought was a load of nonsense but I’ll try anything now!

Hoping for our little baby number 1 soon

6 years ago

@K8mcm88 - I know how you feel about starting to try more and more things as we keep trying to conceive! I have hear some women have luck taking baby aspirin after ovulation once a day. It's supposed to help with uterine lining or increases your chances if you have trouble with inflammation. I did some research on it a few months ago. I tried it for one cycle but have to admit I forgot to these last two cycles... Let us know how your DH's test goes and how the acupuncture is!

6 years ago

@K8mcm88. I used Baby Asprin this cycle and then stopped taking it after I got pregnant. I kept a bottle at my desk at work so I didn't take any on the weekends. I also took Maca capsules and thought that made a difference too. I played havoc on my temps the first week and then it finally started to even off and go back to normal; stopped taking it again after I conceived as it shouldn't be taken during pregnancy. So, in all honesty, I am not sure what really helped me to get pregnant (besides progesterone cream). Good luck and hope you get your BFP.

@FlamingoGirl13. How are things going for you?

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6 years ago

@ dragonfly23 - Honestly not conceiving was harder this cycle then all the rest. I had this feeling that we didn't conceive and I fear that I will have that every cycle. I just don't know what it feels like to be pregnant so waiting for symptoms is hard. I've cried more this time around and DH is sadder too. He's starting to worry about our fertility and we've talked about the steps we'll take if we don't conceive after 12 cycles. I'm prone to tears as it is so I've been trying not to think about it and we'll focus on our fertile week next week. My whole family is going on vacation next week except for me and DH as he couldn't get the time off. That means we will have little distractions and can focus on our selves next week which will be good for baby making!

6 years ago

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