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November & December 2019 babies

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Hi ladies

Another month of ttc! Fingers crossed and baby dust!

395 Replies • 5 years ago



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@Shay keep on testing girl and also monitor your CM. I usually don't bother with OPK until i see the start of watery, stretchy CM which is usually 3-4 days before EWCM. I was wondering, since you had trouble with your previous cycles, did your doctor test FSH:LH on day 3 of your cycle?

5 years ago

@Anna - The digital ones works fine for me. There more easy to interpret than regular strips and since the advanced ones measure two hormones, they can give more of a heads up if you tend to have a short surge.

5 years ago

Hey ladies, I'm very confused as I thought my AF was here on Thursday. Like tmi bright red clot and light pink that reached a liner. Carried on all Thursday. So obviously went to get my blood tests done as they had to be done on days 1-3. Well continue with the now light pink AF when really on day 2 I usually get heavy flow and a temp jump today so is it AF? Have I wasted my blood tests and need to repeat them?!? Just to be sure I did another test - bfn on FRER. What do you all think?? I'm not meant to be due really until Monday. I'm on CD25 if you don't class it as AF. xx

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5 years ago

Scuba it sounds like implantation bleeding like I suggested before because your also early, definitely leave it 2 days then test again, I didn’t get my faint positive on frer until 2 days after implant everything crossed for you xx

5 years ago

@emma I didn't want to hope really! Can you implant at 12dpo? Isn't it quite late? I'm more cross my blood tests are going to be rubbish now if I'm not xx

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5 years ago

It’s usually between 7-11 dpo but you may have ovulated a day later, when you get your positive opk you can actually ovulate 24-48 hours later so it’s still possible, plus you usually get a light bleed/spotting for only a couple of days with implant bleeding, so see where you are tomorrow, keeps us updated please, your dip on your chart didn’t go below your crosshairs either so I’m still excited for you xx

5 years ago

@Scuba looking at your chart and when your positive opk was, I would guess you are less than 12 dpo. Did you keep using opk after you got that + on CD 12? Was it - the next day? I think it’s likely your O was on CD 13 or even possibly 16 which means you would only be 11 or possibly 8 dpo.

5 years ago • Edited

Thank you @emma and @crystal I know I am just getting down because I am worried that there is something more serious going on.
@lissa my doctor only gave me the Provera with no real testing yet. He I think is hoping the Provera will do the trick by just jump starting my cycle and tricking my body into ovulating on it’s own. He really didn’t give me many instructions beyond track your cycle after this and count fourteen days back from your next period to figure out when you ovulated. Like I seriously didn’t know that already when we have been trying for a year......I plan on giving myself until the end of March and if no O, no period and no bfp then I am going back in and demanding some tests. Hypothyroidism runs in my family so I am worried that might be the problem. Why he didn’t test for it when I was in I don’t know even though I told him it ran on my moms side of the family with all the women. I am just hoping things go better. With it being a year I am just anxious for things to progress and my body to actually cooperate!

5 years ago

Good luck, Shay. I hate the " just track what happens this cycle and see what happens..." Like you say, isn't that what I've been doing for the last 6 months?? I wish they had done fsh:lh on you CD3. Google it if you want, but basically it tells you how well your hormones are functioning to trigger ovulation. Can help indicate PCOS or decreased ovarian reserve. If your doc won't order it, there are now at home kits you can buy online. They are expensive, but I feel like it's worth it to get answers that might help speed up the process. You test normally on CD 3 and also around CD if you have Od to test for progesterone. That's just my opinion, hope you don't mind me sharing. I really hope all your cycle needed was a jump start. I used to O all over the place, so don't worry if you don't O on CD14. Most of us don't and it can jump around a lot. Your LP will always be the same. But I don't agree with your doctor... Because my LP is consistently 16 days. There is no way to know how long yours will be until you track a few cycles. 14 is average but I think it can range from 11-17 and still be considered "normal". So counting back 14 days might not be accurate. Use all the tools in your tool box (temp, opk, cm, CP) to determine your actual O date.

5 years ago

@scuba EEK!! Are you sure you're only getting BFN? I didn't get implantation bleeding but I can tell you I didn't start feeling implantation cramps until the day after I got my BFP and they lasted for two days. I got my BFP on 12 DPO so cramps were 13 and 14 DPO. I think the implantation process takes a few days. I agree you may have ovulated later than FF has predicted by looking at your chart. Fingers crossed for you!!!!!

5 years ago

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