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TTC October 2020 Babies

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Hi all! I'm back in the TTC game as of today. I just got my first post postpartum period so now I feel like I can try and track ovulation. I ordered some OPKs and will start using them in a week or so. I can't track BBT this time around because of my DD.

I used this site heavily while trying to conceive our daughter and made a bunch of friends that I still talk to. I'm looking forward to meeting some new ladies and sharing in this TTC journey again.

Here's a little bit about me. I started TTC in 2017 and it took us 9 months of tracking to get our first BFP. Our daughter was born on Valentine's day 2019 and is almost one! We want our kids about 2 years apart but know that it's not really our choice. We are hoping it will take 9 months (cycles) or less to conceive baby number 2. I expect to have irregular cycles starting out because we are still breast feeding. I had very regular periods before getting pregnant.

So! Who is trying for October babies and how's it going?

145 Replies • 4 years ago



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@Kahlan+NatsMomma Last month we did every other day and then i got a + OPK on CD 13 but pretty sure it would have been positive on CD 12 in the late evening. so we BD both on CD 13 and CD 14. My bbt showed a temp rise on CD 14. I am also upping my water intake as last month, i wasn't drinking nearly as much and i could tell by the lack of CM. Normally i have 3-4 days of EWCM and last month there was maybe 2 days of it. Fingers Crossed that this is our month!!!!!!!!

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4 years ago • Edited

I'm on CD 19 and have NO IDEA when to expect AF or if I even ovulated...this 2WW is killer! I've been anywhere from 25-38 days on my cycles. I just wanna test already...

4 years ago

I'm worried I'm not going to ovulate or I wont know when I am. Nothing on my OPKs shows that I'm gearing up to ovulate. If anything yesterdays were more negative then those I had on CD12... Just upset a bit that my cycle wont be like "normal", even though I knew this was a possibility.

Husband and I will just keep BDing every 2-3 days to keep some swimmers in there.

4 years ago • Post starter

FlamingoGirl- here’s what my progression looked like last month. Had a lot of ups and downs until I finally saw my surge on CD 19. I did O on CD20. This is the cycle following a chemical, but not unusual for me to have a few ups and downs before I actually get my surge.
I hope yours comes soon, but don’t be surprised if your cycle is a bit wonky since you’re still nursing and it’s only your first cycle! But also- hold on to that hope- I caught that first egg after my first post party period and I got my beautiful second daughter! You’ve got this!!

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4 years ago

Ugh this TWW is brutal...I had positive OPKs CD14,15 and 16

Currently approx 4DPO and cramping allllllll day today. Like I could swear my period is going to be here any second. The earliest my period would be here is CD24 which 5 days away.

I had my first PP period in May, and have ranged from 24-28 day cycles, with 26 being the average.

This was my first month using OPKs.

And honestly the chance for pregnant this month is low because even thu we DTD on CD 12&14 we did pull out each time. So small chance but enough I jumped on board here.

If we don’t have a pregnancy this cycle, we will take more protective measures, and try in the spring. I am actually hoping for a 2021 baby. Time will tell I guess

Babydust to everyone!

4 years ago

Cd14 and no surge and lines aren't darker at all. For me, that's unusual. I've tracked over a year and only once had a surge beyond cd13. It's always cd11 or 12. I have tested every 2 hours since cd10. I feel like I'm not getting a chance this month at all. I hate to be so dramatic and impatient. I get the same disappointment from negative lh strips as bfns sometimes. I have no cm or any signs of fertility.

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4 years ago • Edited

@Kaybee3 - I'm in the same boat as you... It looked like my body was gearing up to ovulate on CD14 and then my tests went super negative the past three days. I'm just hoping my body will gear up and give me another surge soon. I hope yours does too.

4 years ago • Post starter

Thanks y'all. They are looking a little darker today! Not a surge, but definitely showing up more! Hubby has been "building up" his contribution for 5-6 days (was going for 3 days for a healthy, full batch.) I think it's gonna have to be tonight or they'll begin to die.

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4 years ago

Lol! I have to convince my DH to build his up. He’d prefer to contribute every day . That didn’t work out at all for us last time so around ovulations I can get him down to every other or every two days.

4 years ago • Post starter

Flamingo, he was the same way but I told him it contributed to girls. ((Read it somewhere, not sure if credible)). He wants a chance at a son after 3 girls so.... Since we got our girls with pretty frequent bds, we're switching it up a little. Honestly, it's just month 10 ttc and I'm wondering if his count changed with the gap ((4.5 years since last conception, we are mid 30s now))

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4 years ago

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