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Anyone on or near 10 dpo? How are you feeling?

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Just wanted to check in with others who are like me waiting to find out if they are pregnant this cycle.
How are you feeling?
Any symptoms that are standing out that have you hopeful or wondering?
When are you going to test?

I am ttc #1. I have regular 27 day cycles with a 15/16 day luteal phase. I check my cm, take vitamins and use opk's. Been trying for almost 5 years now.

This cylce I got ovulation spotting which has only happened to me 2 times in my life before this. Hoping it's a great fertility sign?

Ovulated on Feb 13th. Now I am 10 dpo.

Symptoms so far
0 day - 7 dpo Not much. Just the usual gassy, heartburn, bloated, nipples sore for a few days after O, Some weird dreams and moody.

8 dpo - 10 dpo (current ) Vivid dreams, hot and cold body temps, dry throat, thirstier, dry skin (but it is winter) rash or pimples breaking out on my chest ??? Stuffy nose for 3 days. Mild ovary cramping/twinges. Getting shooting pains in my breasts a few times a day/night which I have never gotten before. Less moody today then the past week thank GOD! All these could be progesterone as well.

Anyone want to add on so we can obsess, wait, hope, pray and test together?

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7993 Replies • 11 years ago



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@topo- ya pree cancer cells, they said they were like clumpy cell masses

@ shader- sounds like af likes to jump around a lot on u! She can b a witch like that, that's why we all love her so much!!!!

11 years ago

@ tiff wow scary keep those things away praying for a great pregancy for u hun



11 years ago

I was busy all day working on my new art project. Wasn't ignoring everyone.

@pisces and topo ~ You both made me cry when you said Happy Mother's Day. Nobody had acknowledged me for that and you both did. So thank you that means a lot to me. Even though me and dbf are not married and those kids have a mom, I have been like a step mom for 5 years in their lives.. They tell me all the time that they wish that I was their mom and that just melts my heart.

@pisces ~ sorry you are having a weird cycle with no real clarity for when you ovulated... I know how that feels, because I feel that way every month with opk's for days and ewcm every other day for a week. Crazy making. Well at least you bedded and did all you could. It's in God's hands now. :)

@topo ~ Hey hon. Did you say when your surgery date is? I can't remember what you Looks like we are all behaving today...

@Tiff ~ has it sunk in that you got a bfp? I'm still so happy for you.

@Lschrader ~ I can't wait to read what you post in the morning since you are testing right? Good luck.

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11 years ago • Post starter

@ miracle- ya it's hitting in now, just scared for the first few weeks,

@ shrader- sooooo? What's the verdict?

@jsx- so how many dpo r u today? How u feeling?

Afm- I get a test done today to make sure I'm preggers, my back is still killing me!

11 years ago

****Good Morning***Everyone, took last night off***

@lsch **finger thumping impatiently** did ya test? I am hoping for good news for you today

@tiff Good Morning! How are you feeling today? now I know you have two kids already, two boys? two girls? one of each? what are you hoping for BESIDES healthy. I went to get more OPK's Sunday and I saw a home kit to tell you if it is a boy or a girl? huh? I dont know how it works or far along you have to be. How long are you going to wait before you tell people? Did you know that Forever 21, old Navy, and Target sell marternity clothes? I didnt

where is @Shae?

Hi @desertchic I know you are around. Looking at my FF chart, I am inclined to believe that I O'd on thursday.

@topo You can take my name off the FBI missing list. here I am. I took the night off and went to the gym, I only did cardio but after the way I ate in Texas, I had to do something. How are you today love bug?

@miracle I know just what you mean. My ex had 2 boys and he and his ex wife spent so much time arguing over the kids that they forgot about the kids. By the time his oldest was 8 he was calling me mom and came to live with us. He just turned 21 on Saturday. Our divorce was very hard on him but he still calls me and text me. I am glad that they feel that way about you, it means that you are a good person. kids know when they are loved.

AFM: My basal temp were up to 98.25 this AM. Looking at my FF chart it looks like I defintely O'd Thursday while out of town. The CTP chart says I O'd sundaybut it has my coverline really high, like in the low 98's. I tend to put more faith in the FF chart which means i O'd while out of town & within about 48hrs of my last BD so as @miraclemama said, its in God's hands

11 years ago

@ pices- I have a 3 year old little girl and a 1 year old little girl so a boy would be nice, but healthy is really all I care about, ya last preg target was my friend and sears, motherhood in the mall is to darn expensive

11 years ago

@miricalmomma i loved that i made you cry lol your so lucky my dh has a child that he doesnt see becuase his ex wife hates me and hates he divorced her for me so her bitter ass doesnt let him or me see him and the only way he can see her if she is present and him not me yeah like i will let that happen i told him i guess ur not seeing him till he is 18 so we are missing out on his childhood which hurts me so much my daughter and him where getting close and as soon as she came in her sons life becuase her mother was raising him she put a stop to it so you are lucky miricalmomma. No date set yet hun for surgery they are not gonna set it until af comes that day they will set it within 3-4 days.

@piecsegirl yes girl you know me i had that amber alert out usually u both are attacking the forum lol. haha funny how you miricalmomma and me are all flying blind lol not knowing when we owed i just find it how close we are are af where all in lined are o dates are probaly lined lol and we will all be pregers in lined lol like miricalmomma predict while we are sippin virigin marguritas member aww loll i am good i am waiting for af just being a big worry wart lol coming in and out of peace and evil lol

@tiff it is normal to worry i worried with DD all the way through the 9n months lol i didnt tell anyone i was pregers because of everything i went through trying to have her till i was almost 5 months.

11 years ago

Hi girls I'm feeling good just tired and some what crampy here and there, the lower back pain since 2 dpo almost like syiatic nerve pain...some breast tenderness since last night nothing major but do feel fuller I kinda just feel pregnant it's weird! It would be great if we're true I am now 8 dpo or as pieces says 8 days pregnant!! I hope and pray to The Lord above this month is my month my temp is even higher today I think my chart is looking good! I never have temp dip and ESP on 6dpo and then two more rise of temp they just keep rising, finger Xd it stays that way! Usually due for AF around the 17th so praying no AF!!

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11 years ago

@tiff two girls...yayyyy...and they are like my girls ..close in age so they will be close. My girls LOVE one another, argue, then love again...ha ha They are me & my sister ALL over again. So funny. a boy would be great but you're right as long as the bean is healthy & happy

@jsx hey girl didnt mean to leave you out of my UBER long "good morning" post. I was working and typing but I know what you mean about "feel pregnant", I feel that even with all of my crazy OPK's that this is my cycle. I could be wrong but then again, I could be right. so lets just go with our guts.

@topo you make me LAUGH LAUGH LOUDLY with that "drifting in and out of peace & evil comment" I will pray for longer moments on the peace side. . My uncle went through that, my ex went through that with the "you dont want me so I am going to make your life a misery" thing. With my ex it was very simple, place yourself on child support and they will determine visitation. We started showing up, she started with her routine, I called the sheriff's department with visitation papers in hand and sat in the car. When they arrived they told her she had exactly 5 minutes to bring the kids to the door and hand them over OR she would go to jail for contempt of court. She cried and pleaded to no avail, we did this three times, each time driving off with the boys IN the car. the fourth time, we called and asked her if we needed to call the sheriif ahead of time and she said "no, they will be ready when you get here". and that was the end of the "you cant see them game" because YES HE CAN! You'll be amazed at how fun it is to not have to argue or fuss. COURT PAPERS work wonders. My uncle just reconnected with his 27 yr old daughter and she asked him "why didnt you fight her to see me?" ...he's like 6 ft 9 and he said he felt 3ft 2. He ended up paying the child support anyway so he might as well had been in her life. She has been very angry for a long time but I am happy she came around. Tell your husband to fight to see him, he has rights

I went ahead and set my O date on this calendar to match FF. maybe I O'd twice...

11 years ago

Good morning everyone! No AF buy still a BFN! I am using Internet cheapos and wondering if I should suck it up and use one of my good tests. I will wait a few more days and if AF still doesn't show, I'll test with one. I so so hope the witch stays away, but I am sure she'll show today.

Now I need to catch up on my reading, you girls have been busy!

11 years ago

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