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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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Shay - GL!

12 years ago

Tara- I TOTALLY agree with Phat! You cannot allow her to take advantage of you- family or not!

Shay: GL! Saying prayers sweet girl!

Good news... Hmm, let's see... Umm it is Friday eve! :-/

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12 years ago

@Tara I also agree with Phat. Not to mention the fact that your waking up early AND driving to her. And if she's trying to jip you out of $4 an hour then she's going to need to pay your travel cost. If I were you I would encourage her to take her son to a babysitter that isn't family and let her see what she's going to have to pay then. But it really comes down to not letting people take advantage of you. And Phat couldn't have said it better when she said "It has to be mutually beneficial to you BOTH" And to me it sort of feels like she might be using your "baby blues" against you. she knows you want a baby and I know you like being around your nephew but family is quick to use you sometimes. Don't accept it girl! And please let us know what the outcomes is!

Quick update. AF is late again. 2 days now. But I'm not anxious about it at all or even really thinking about it. DH and I finally decided that we are going to move to Colorado. So we're looking for real estate agents out there to start the search. Just opened our joint savings and he is FINALLY going to start getting unemployment again. We're also filing a Labor Commisions claim against his last company since they still have not told him if he is fired or not "officially" but they won't respond. So now we're going to go after them for those 3 hours a day they were not recording that he was in the office. Pretty much not paying him for a min of 18-20 hours a week he was going unpaid. We also have a meeting with our lawyer today to review some small claims docs that our lawyer is going to file against this lady that hit us while on her phone running a red light back in 2010. Praying we get some money out of that as well. I'm SUPER amped! I feel like I have direction and purpose in our life again!

"Whatever is to be, must be" - Bob Marley

12 years ago

Well, sort of good news here
Af showed.. :( but at the same time this means i will not be ovulating around Coopers Birthday.

TTC #2, 2 miscarriages, 2 years in My precious babies will grow in our hearts but not in our arms. As long as we remember, they are never truly lost

12 years ago

so ladies i think im out this month as u need to to make a baby im not saying we havent at all but DH has been working long late hours and is too tired all his does is work eat sleep work

things are hard work wise atm as his being made redundant in nov and they are giving everyone the bad hours trying to make them leave on there own so they dont have to pay out
but we are strong and we can get through anything we have in the past and we will in the future

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12 years ago

My sister asked if I was mad at her this morning so I emailed her back and told her I had my feelings hurt and that I felt disrespected. But I wrote it really sweet and told her that I understand that she wants to save money so i was afraid to tell her that minimum wage 7.25 which 2.25 more than I asked for. I knew she'd freak so I told her to think about it and if she wanted to hire someone cheaper I understood. That was all. Minutes later I got a text from my brother in law telling me how frustrated he was with me for upsetting my sister with the email and that I'm mean. I've been crying really hard for the past half hour. My face is red and puffy and my skin is dried out from the tears. I told him it wasnt meant to be mean and that I cried while writing it. He told me I should have told her in person. Based on past experience I knew my sister would freak about the $7.25 and didnt feel like dealing with it again...that's why I sent the email. It doesnt matter how crappy I'm treated, my family always makes me out to be the bad one. I thought I was imagining it til Dh came into my life. He's shocked how I'm always made out to be the bad guy when I'm the one with my feelings hurt. I guarantee that i'll be the one to have to apologize to smooth things over. So glad I'm going out of town for a few days. Going to TN, maybe reminents of issac will flood the reunion and I'll be carried away. Please everyone say a prayer for my sanity and that everything works out. I'm exhausted and just want to curl up in the fetal position and hide.

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

12 years ago • Post starter

Tara- That was wrong of your brother in law to even get in the middle of it, They should of considered the idea of child care before they had children it is not cheap and they can not take it out on you that there are laws! Now im mad at them! I know the feeling of always being the "bad" one, I suffer from being the middle child, older sister is best friends with mom and little bro buddy buddy with dad which leaves me to highlight the screw ups mind you I am the only child with a college education & not living off of them. I really dont get it sometimes but seriously you are doing nothing wrong not even a little bit but your hormones are also going mad seeing as this is your first period in a while hang in there babe and please do not apologize for you are not doing anything wrong and maybe this will teach her to be more appreciative of you and show them you can not be walked all over!

TTC #2, 2 miscarriages, 2 years in My precious babies will grow in our hearts but not in our arms. As long as we remember, they are never truly lost

12 years ago

She even admitted to me that they didnt even think about childcare cause they automatically thought my mom would watch him cause she said she'd babysit him (everyonce in a while!)
I'm the baby of the family, but apparently an abandoned one. lol. My oldest sister is the 'black sheep' and we get along great lol but I was forced to grow up fast when she ran away as a teen and got pregnant. My parents focus switched on her for most of my childhood. My middle sister (the one we've been talking about) got most of the attention cause she was the most 'fragile'. It's like walking on eggshells around her, as you can tell. I'm just always the bad guy. My bday was in June when i first started the forum and i told my mom I was surprised my parents remembered my bday with my sister getting ready to pop. Instead of them loving on me and telling me they love me and could never forget....I GOT YELLED AT 2 SECONDS BEFORE I BLEW OUT MY CANDLES! I was made to be the bad guy somehow and was dripping tears all over my bday cake.

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

12 years ago • Post starter

Tara, this just isn't right! That's not how family should be! You are doing your sister a favor for goodness sake! How dare she and her husband even try to make you out to be the bad guy! So I say fine- if I hurt you so bad- let a stranger take care of their child. It almost sounds like she has gotten away with getting what she wants at your dispense for your whole life. I don't like that at all!! You are wonderful, knowledgable, and an amazingly caring person! And I've never even met you!! I am mad at your sister for doing something like that! However, I am going to pray for reconciliation. Stay strong and we love you! :-)

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12 years ago

Thank you everyone for your support. Still havent heard from my sister but that's how it usually works. We'll tick eachother off and not talk for a few days, until we come ran back to eachother crying and apologizing. I love my family and we issues like everyone does. Just wish her dh wouldnt have butted in :(. He has the right to stand up for his wife but sheesh... We already have a strained relationship. He has an anger management problem and one time I didnt want to play a board game with him cause he was annoying when playing the game. He told my sister he didnt want to hang out with me anymore. Talk about a baby. My sister yelled at him for talking bad about me and he has been nicer to me. But you can cut the tension with a knife. I try really hard for him to like me but he still acts WEIRD around me. Like I patted him on the head one day and asked if he wanted a drink. He told my sister I was being mean to him...???WTH! BTW-I know this forum is used for conceiving but thank you for letting me vent! I just pray she never stumbles on it...and with it having over 12000 views I wouldnt be surprised. lol Sis if you're reading this and you realize over the course of these 51 pages that it's me...I'm sorry..just venting! LOL Like I said earlier. I'm going out of town this weekend. I'll try to get on dh's iphone and check in with all of you! Shay I'm praying for no ectopic!!!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

12 years ago • Post starter

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