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No Sperm......

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My partner and I have been ttc for 16 months now. He went for a SA and within 2 days had a phone call from thr dr to say they found no sperm, not 1, in his semen. He has to go again in April to see if there is any change or if they made a mistake. Has anyone been through this or similar? Really need some help on this

Nats xxx

User Image TTC#2 DD-3 DP-32 Me-24

2329 Replies • 12 years ago



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Northen no I can't go back, my position would be filled and then maybe I could re-apply for a casual position, but then I would be losing all of my benefits and no longer pay into the pension.
Stillfun, do whatever you feel is right. I think that is why in only do the saliva, opks and check my cervix, otherwise there is just too much to think about and test for and all that. And yes it gets really stressfull and makes you feel just a little bit crazy. I agree with doing whatever you like and not worrying about the maybe if I have a baby. It is good to just live your life and whatever happens happens. That being said I think you should take a break but not forever! It can and will happen.
AFM I am thinking about getting a tattoo for my mc's I was thinking maybe two interlocking black and grey hearts or something like that.... I have 6 tattoos already and DH isn't thrilled but I told him that I feel like I need to honour our babies some way and this is how.
Off to the gym and then fun fun house cleaning

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11 years ago

my temps are wierd this cycle....very slow to rise after O. Sorry we all had another crappy ttc month. not fair! my sister goes today to see what she is having.....I wish I was too!!!!!!

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11 years ago

Hi Girls!

anastasia: I think a tattoo is a great idea! I'm sure that your hubby would be fine once it was on you. Maybe you both could get some sortt of matchy tattoo to symbolize the losses. Or does your Dh hate tattoos all in all?

stillfun: So sorry AF showed up. I think you will feel much better switching to JUST the ovacue. I've had my doubts in the past using it but all in all it has been the most relieble and I love how it gives me my days so far in advance. Did you buy the vaginal sensor to use with it? I will say the hardest part for me is watching when I bd with it because if you are using the Vaginal sensor you have to wait 8 hours after sex or have sex after you use it for the night so make sure to pick your time your going to use it every night carefully. I was using it at 11pm and realized it kept interfering lol!

northernbaby: wow your parents sound like wonderful people. I def. don;t think I could handle that much fostering lol! i would think that the foster care systems would be pretty similar but I'm not sure about the whole taking them out of the country. They probably would have you keep them here or have you do HEAPS of paperwork. lol! I always planned on fostering for our second child so it has been in the plans the whole time but I did think I'd carry one before starting. Such is life I guess lol! Thats great you are fostering dogs I wanted to start doing that but hubby says no. He says its because I'll get too attached but I think secretly he knows he is the one that wouldn't be able to get rid of them. Mamas is now his favorite lol! happy to hear you and your dh aren;t fighting anymore.

afm: I had my doctors apt. and cyst is still there and now its grown to almost 5cm. but doctor still thinks we should continue to wait it out. He said I could do the surgery if I wanted or I could go on birth control for a bit and see if that helps or just wait it out a while longer. He wants me to go back in in 3 months and see if its gone or changed. I'm not in pain so guess I'm waiting it out. Although I am a little scared of it possibly rupturing or causing a lesion and me possibly losing my ovary. What would you all do? Also after sitting in the OBGYNs office and seeing all the cute round bellies sitting around me I got a moment of panic and shipped my BIL a sperm shipper lol! Couldn't help myself. So looks like I will be joining this cycle after all. shhh dh doesn't know lol! I'm hoping I can just surprise him with the news if it works instead of having two of us getting our hopes up and then back down. Also I checked out flight prices and I'm thinking over my summer break I will make trips to Montana durnig my week of Ovulation. flights are about $300 and we are paying $250 for the kits. and if I fly there I can get multiple insems done. But I swear if nothing works by August when I'm back in starting another school year I'm done. that is my stopping point!! I will have done everything I can by that point!

California Conceptions DDE #1 2/10/14 Baseline Ultrasound 2/15/14 Start Lupron 3/7/14 Lining check 3/11/14 transferred two embies!!! User Image

11 years ago

No DH isn't opposed to me getting another tattoo, I only have 6 He's not into them for himself though.
Mel sorry to hear about the cyst growing. I'm not entirely sure what I would do. I think I would weigh the risks of getting the surgery done vs not getting it done and see how that pans out. Do you have to pay for the surgery too and all that because I guess that could be a factor for sure. I am sorry you have to deal with this on top of TTC. That is sucky. Good idea flying out there too, might have a better chance for sure. Keep us updated.
Stillfun sorry :(
Northern yay for not fighting!!!!! That can make TTC harder too! So I'm glad all is well.
AFM ferning on day 26?? weird

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11 years ago

Mel, it certainly made for an interesting childhood with all those fosters, along with foreign exchange students and daycare children - our house was a zoo. Unfortunately, my mom burnt out with kids and doesn't like them much anymore, which is too bad for her grandkids and great grandkids. Anyhow, good luck on your foster/adoption journey...sometimes things don't work out the way we plan them to, but in the end can work out better.

As for your cyst, if it were me, I think I'd wait on the surgery and see if there were something natural I could do to help make it go away. Here's a link, but there's lots of other info on the net: My naturopath recommended the castor oil pack, but it has to be done at a certain time of your cycle - I think before your period but you have to make sure that you're not pregnant when you use it, so it would be tricky. She said it was really effective though, and castor oil is cheap. Couldn't hurt to try. I know they are two completely different kinds of cysts, but I had a cyst on a tendon in my wrist years ago - had it surgically removed and it was a huge ordeal and very painful, needed rehab therapy, left a scar, etc. The cyst grew back, I left it as I didn't want to do surgery again, and then one day smacked it hard by accident and it burst on its own and never came back. I shouldn't have bothered with the surgery in the first place.

Good luck on this cycle!! And I think that's a great idea to go to Montana for multiple insems!

Anastasia, I think the tattoo is a great idea to honour your lost babies.

I'm thinking about getting an ovacue now too - sounds like it works really well.

Hoping, sorry your cycle seems really off...but maybe it's a good sign!

Oh,and I haven't talked to hubby about IUIs yet...I keep putting it off and waiting for the right timing but he's so focused on getting the house fixed up right now. Our ideal timing for conception would be July or August (so I can still go sailing in June and again in Nov after 1st trimester), so we have a few more months of trying naturally but I definitely want to do an IUI in July so I need to get the ball rolling with the clinic but I guess there's no super rush.

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11 years ago

My temps are lower this cycle for some reason and slowly rising. Maybe it is a good sign since its unusual for me. All my BBT charts have O on different days, but I know what day it was from CM, OPK and O pains. Temp didn't rise till 2 days after O. Left boob has been killing me this week, CM was totally dried up yesterday and my cervix is open(???) haven't noticed that before either. I have been checking DH's sperm again after BD and I am seeing a lot more lately....maybe the fertility vitamins are working. Lord I hope so! Used to just see <5 per I see more than 20 at the time in each view. I'm so excied that he has more and a lot of them swim forward.

Mel, I hope you get a BFP over the summer, but maybe adoption will end up being the solution However, I liked being pregnant and feeling the baby move around.

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11 years ago

Hoping: I hope that the change in temps brings you good luck! It's awesome your seeing more swimmers. I have heard of many people having good luck with all the fertility vitamins and I know it does take time so maybe they are finally doing their job. I would love to experience just one pregnancy but I also have to be realistic so we will see. Hopefully I will get my BFP.

Northernbabydream: I'm sure you have quite the stories to share with a childhood like that. I will say for me I was in my teens when my mom fostered my siblings and I hated it at the time. Thought there was already too many of us kids in the house and none of us getting enough attention. I remember trying to talk my parents out of adopting them, glad they didn't listen to my teenage crazies because I love my brother and sister and couldn't imagine life without them. Thanks for sharing the link I will def. try the castor oil thing out, can't hurt to try.

Anastasia: I was assuming insurance would cover the removal of the cyst but that is def. something I'd want to look into and make sure of. I def. don't have money to blow on a surgery right now. Wow ferning means close to O right? If so that is pretty late but I don't think the length before O means anything just as long as you have a normal LP.

AFM: today I was checking out the ttc with donor sperm Facebook page and there is a list where everyone writes their sperm bank and donor number that they conceived with. Today someone posted and what donor worked for them. my old one, the perfect donor. I asked them how long it took them and what did they say, ONCE, it took ONE try. I tried 8 vials with no success and they got one. Strange how things work out. Their son was adorable too! Oh well. My slogan this week "such is life" lol!

California Conceptions DDE #1 2/10/14 Baseline Ultrasound 2/15/14 Start Lupron 3/7/14 Lining check 3/11/14 transferred two embies!!! User Image

11 years ago

Mel, that is so frustrating about the donor!! So frustrating that conception can't be more predictable! Why does it work so well for some and is so difficult for others! You have such a great attitude way to deal is to just laugh. Letting it get to us is not going to help any.

I spent some time planning out our trips and projects I need to do, as well as a course I want to take over the rest of this year and man, am I going to be busy. It has really made me feel better about this ttc stuff as well - it's taken some of the pressure off. I figure I'm only going to be able to fit in two IUI cycles this summer and then will have to take a break til January because of sailing and travelling (but will still keep ttc naturally). Also I realized I have to take this intensive course (housebuilding!) this summer that I've been wanting to take, because if I get pregnant it will mean delaying taking it for several more years so I'm probably going to sign up for this summer! Busy busy busy!

Have a great weekend everyone! My foster puppy is going to hopefully a forever home on Sunday. I'm sad but also hopeful that it will work out - they have two weeks to decide whether or not she's working out. I hope she's a good little girl for them!

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11 years ago

Hey girls sorry i have been MIA i have been to town long story short it rained we couldnt get the cars in had to trudge through 50km of mud and water in my brand new car (not happy) and now the car is left at another property 150km away waiting for it to dry out and DH flew us home in the chopper! I dont even know what CD i am LOL i think i might be CD 7 or 8 maybe.... I am using the ovacue but no0t paying much attn. just taking the reading and turning it off! I feel much more relaxed not taking my BBT! Im not buying anymore IC's they are way too unreliable so i got about 15 frer's LOL that should do, and 7 OPKs just to confirm the ovacue so i can belive it. Anyway having a beer with our staff so i just thourght i would let you all know i am still here

Me 28 - DP 30 HSG all clear, very high AFC 42 SA 27million on Menevit,2% Normal Mild Teratospermia Been TTC since June 2011 Aug 2012 10dpo 10 weeks little boy Trisomy 16 Jan 2013 9dpo CP July 2013 1st round of Tamoxifen 20mg Ovidrel trigger and 4 pregnyl booster shots IVF November 2013 6 eggs collected, 5 Fertilized normally, Transferred 1 beautiful compacting 3 day morula, froze 4... FET Feb 2014 4DP5DT, Beta 11DP5DT 647 User Image

11 years ago

Stillfuntryin: that must be so frustrating. I don't think I could handle being somewhere where I can't go wherever I want when I want lol! As much as I hate the traffic I guess I should be thankful living in Cali. Most the time when I use my ovacue I don't pay attention either I just wait for the colors to pop up! I sure it will work for you. I hope you didn't miss the cue peak starting it late but I'd def. keep using it and see. Either way it will tell you when you O'd so that's always nice to know.

Northernbabydreams: how did the meet and greet for your puppy go? Did she go to her forever home?! It's so bitter sweet. I hope it worked out! That's great that your planning trips. I have quite a bit going on this summer but I'm considering planning a surprise trip for my hubby to Alaska. He's always wanted to go and for about $1000 we can go for 4 days.

Afm: ovacue told me I'll be most fertile wed. And my BIL said he can ship out the stuff Tuesday which is PERFECT! Didn't tell the hubby since I had already told him we were taking the month off. And he works wed so I'm just going to surprise him if it all works out. I'm also considering calling my doctor and seeing if he can squeeze me in for an iui with it on wed. But I'm pretty broke right now and it would be $300 so I'm not sure if I can work it out or not but I know it would increase my chances. Ill let you all know what I end up doing. Hope all is well!

California Conceptions DDE #1 2/10/14 Baseline Ultrasound 2/15/14 Start Lupron 3/7/14 Lining check 3/11/14 transferred two embies!!! User Image

11 years ago

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