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Ttc in 2016

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Welcome to anyone trying to conceive in 2016. Let's hope this will be the year full of
Blizzards of baby dust to everyone xx

2177 Replies • 8 years ago



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Replies (sorted by hugs)

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Kerzie never woke up to a painful orgasm. Does not sound like fun. I hope it's a good sign for you. I am so not ready for multiples but my DH would love to have twins. I will need lots of prayer if that happens!

Pink how are you love? Are you and your DH all good now?

Holly sorry you are having a rough day. Maybe you and DH will have some great makeup sex. Try to do some deep breathing exercises to reduce the stress. Need a happy environment for the bean to stick.

8 years ago

Hello ladies,

Yes i tested this morning. Ive been very busy and feeling really scared. How reliable are those cheapie test from walmart? I got a positive right away, but dont want to get my hopes up!!! I dont have any major symptoms yet. Like my boobs dont hurt. My line wasnt very bright, very faint. My DH told me to be happy, but im really scared, cuz of my history. last year my mc was very scary!!!!! should i retest or what? I dont have health insurance so cant go to doctors!!!!! Thanks for any thoughts:)

Me 43, DH 41, DD 11Trying for baby # 2<img src=

8 years ago

Thanks Kerzie. How old is everyone here? I keep reading all this bad stories of women having babies after the age of 40....Has anyone had a baby after 40, and it turn out great and healthy with no issues? Thanks for answering, im just very nervous and scared:(

Me 43, DH 41, DD 11Trying for baby # 2<img src=

8 years ago

Miracle - Congratulations honey!! I would test again tomorrow to see if your line looks darker. Have you ever tried progesterone cream? Most docs say to use for the first 10 weeks to help the baby stick. You can purchase it online and don't need a prescription. Sorry, I don't know your medical story nor if the doctor did testing on you to see a possible reason for the mc? Drink lots of water and try to eat healthy and natural as possible. Take care of yourself! YES!! I have a good friend through this site (One More Baby) who is due this month and is 46!!! NATURALLY!! Baby and momma are doing wonderfully!

Shanta - the Energizer Bunny just keeps going.. .and going.. and going.. LOL

Good luck Teacher!

Kerzie - dancing naked in the moonlight would work, but my in-laws (neighbors) would be blinded by the earthly moon as I have quite the badonkadonk. :) I have to say I've never had a painful O. I've gotten headaches from the tension of one though. LOL TMI...

39 - my dh wants twins too. My gma is a twin so look out!!

Pinkster - Ha ha I knew I loved you! My ding-a-ling is on the brain too! Good ole Chuck Berry. LOL

Baby one - is something going around because me and dh got into it BAD last night and I'm still very upset and weepy today. Marriage is hard, but worth it. A punching bag may help me though.... (I will pull up your chart in a second and respond. Sorry forgot to before I started to type. LOL )

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8 years ago

Baby one - I wouldn't worry about that slight dip yesterday as long as your temps as a whole stay up. I would think for consistency's sake you keep temping orally. I don't know how much a vaginal temp would differ? Hope you get your BFP and you won't have to worry about it! XO

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8 years ago

Holly and Shanta, do you know each other in real life or is the egg thing separate? Would be cool being able to talk in person to all of you.Eggs can be a no no when pregnant so have a look online.

Holly. I'd wait until next cycle unless you have a spare thermometer to do both? You would then get to see the difference. Your temp might be higher than you expect. Can I also suggest not Temping during af, I have high temps during af too as I get lots of cramps. It keeps your coverline at a realistic level and makes it easier to see a pattern.

Shanta. Good luck!!!!!!

Miracle. What sensitivity is your test? Look it up online. Test with a different make and get a low sensitivity one, 10mlu is the most sensitive. That way you know, if two brands have a bfp then you have your answer. Clear blue digital with conception indicator are 25mlu so if your first test was the same sensitivity then get one, it can help to read pregnant/not pregnant. Please post a pic of your test in the gallery so we can have a peek. Ladies with a successful pregnancy in their 40's don't post about it, unfortunately the internet is filled with horror stories. I had my ds at 38 and he is perfect, I have know lots of women who had a baby 40 + and had no problems. If you are scared of mc look into progesterone cream, you can use it for first two trimester and taper off, we don't need so much in third trimester. Also a high vit c diet. Good luck testing

8 years ago • Post starter

No i dont know baby one we just happen to eat a lot of eggs at the same But i read some where that eating eggs and fish helps with trying to get preggo? Have you heard that Kerzie? And thanks im headed to get a dollar general 1.00 test today...

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8 years ago

I will try to go get another test!!! Im really acarwd right now ladies!!! Im having really bad cramps:( hoping laying down and taking it easy will help. Please pray for me, im so afraid of another mc..whats the website where i can purchase the progesterone cream? Thanks ladies!!!

Me 43, DH 41, DD 11Trying for baby # 2<img src=

8 years ago

I meant afraid

Me 43, DH 41, DD 11Trying for baby # 2<img src=

8 years ago

Hi Miracle. Please post a pic of your test. I bought my progesterone cream from whole foods but you can order some from Amazon. Make sure it's natural. Cramping is normal. That's little bean nestling in to stick. Please try to relax and envision yourself healthy and pregnant. Our minds are so powerful and what we think about we create in our lives. Positive thoughts dear. We are rooting for you. Keep testing to make sure the line gets darker. Congratulations!!!

Shanta hope you are next in line! BFP fairy is putting in overtime.

8 years ago

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