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Not Just Cycle Buddies!

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Hi Friends! Lots of us have gotten our BFPs these past few cycles and we all aren't "cycle buddies" anymore. I feel like we need a place to connect and keep up the conversation with each other. This way we can keep chatting even if some of us aren't pregnant and some of us are. I'm just starting my 6th cycle TTC and hoping that this will be the one. Please join in and update us on where you are and how you are feeling.

916 Replies • 6 years ago



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Replies (sorted by hugs)

101 - 110 of 916 Replies | Last Page

Dragonfly- yes I did spot on. My other pregnancies I didn’t. So I was freaking out to. My last pregnancy was 14 hrs ago so I feel like this is my 1st again. Lol im also worried bc of my age and last pregnancy my baby was 2 months and had to go for open heart surgery. So I can’t wait to heart the heartbeat. Which I will still be worried till birth and they confirm all this good.

6 years ago

@Beaut1ful38. That must have been so hard to go through watching the little one go through open heart surgery. So, I can completely understand where you are coming from. I know you meant to put 14 yrs ago and I am sure that everything will all come back. Like they say, it's like riding a bike. Let us know how you make out tomorrow. What time is the appointment at?

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6 years ago

Hello ladies May I join in this Group (Great Idea) I got my Beta HCG levels back from yesterday @16dpo 4wk+2d & looking good so far it 848...

[url=]User image[/url]

6 years ago • Edited

Kimberke, im so happy everything is going great. Was wondering how you've been.

6 years ago

@Kelliria how have u been? I was stressing a couple of days ago cuz my hpt lines started to get a bit lighter so I had my ob get my levels & I didn't test yesterday did today & it's way darker than any other day so I guess that was normal idk it freaked me out a bit & my ob nurses think I'm a nut cuz I kept taking hpt but they really don't know the struggle I'm glad my levels came back on the high side I'm really hoping for Multiples.....Has anyone heard of the Baby Bump Pro app it's a sister app for pink pad pro, well both r good pink pro helps track your af & ovulation other1 for Pregnancy (the point) there are some great support groups on both. There is a Group called October 2018 for Pregnant Women with edd in Oct. & A great group called Trying to Conceive it is Awesome yal should check it out I'm now hooked...

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6 years ago

Dragonfly- haha yes 14yrs I use my phone now and it still spells what it wants to. Or it’s my pregnancy brain. My appt is 10am it’s going to be hard to sleep tonight. My anxiety is high today.

Kimberke- that is great on hcg levels. How are you feeling lately?

AFM. the sore boobs/nipples, nausea but it comes only when I’m hungry, tired, sleep restless, pee a lot, up before my alarm. Now I have heartburn, and my smells are stronger, and irritable has come every now and then.

6 years ago

Kimberke, not pregnant yet, but when i started this web site i always followed you, dragonfly, beaut1ful, calvingirl, shanta, and a few others so i just came over to the forum. I was hopping from oct babies, nov babies, ect and wanted one group. All the pregnancies give me hope, there are some not pregnant, and i enjoy it. Ill try the other one. I have several. Lol.????
I am on cd10. The clomid has my ovaries aching today. I should O in 4/5 days. Haven't been stressing last month or this. I have accepted at 39, and an infertile history, that i may not get pregnant again. (Never used protection since 18 and 1st pregnancy at 35. Mmc. But i do have a daughter about to be 2. Im thankful for her and am blessed. But a sibling would be a plus!!!

6 years ago

Good morning ladies. Last night was really rough, not anxiety wise (thank goodness) but I was so cold and shivering that I even had to jump in the tub to try and warm up, which didn't work so I had to put my housecoat on and crawl under the blanket and was still shivering. Went to bed at 9:30 and woke up a couple times during the night. I managed to get down most of a can of chicken noodle soup but kind of made me sick. Feeling a lot better today with what happened a couple days ago. This morning when I went to blow my nose, I started cramping a bit and then again walking into work. Best thing I can do is just try and relax and keep telling myself that my baby(ies) are fine but I do still worry with every cramp I feel. I just hope that the cramping doesn't last throughout my entire pregnancy.

@Beaut1ful38. Your appointment will go fine and you will finally get to see your baby and in the end the worry wasn't worth it. I have a suspicious feeling that you will be telling me the same thing next Wednesday when I go for my ultrasound.

@Kimberke. Your ticker didn't work as it just shows the link. Maybe Beaut1ful38 or Countdowngirl can help you set it up as I had Countdowngirl do mine for me as I couldn't figure it out.

@Kelliria. I am glad that FlamingoGirl made this forum and I hope some of the others from the sister site can come back over and chat with us to see how they are progressing.

Happy Valentine's Day everyone. May all your husbands treat you to a special night out.

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6 years ago • Edited

Here you go ladies: this is what she sent me: (not sure if works for other tickets this is for lilypie)

You need to use the BBCode option.

On lilypie:

After you've created your ticker - -
> Under "Code Snippets"
> Click 'Forum" tab
> the click the 'PseudoHTML, UBBCode and BB Code' tab
> select the code in the box and paste it in

Should have the square brackets and look something like this:

6 years ago

@Beaut1ful38. My link was so much longer than that. Let me see if I can show you. Give me a minute. ETA. Okay, I just did my ticker again. Here is what was given me. [url=][img][/img][/url] and I used the same as the one below.

@Kimberke. Such a lovely picture of you two. God has a plan for all of us and everything will worl out in His favor.

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6 years ago • Edited

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