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6 dpo, this suspense is killing me!

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Hello ladies, any of you waiting to poas with me? Let's help one another pass the time, and analyze our tests together. I still have at least a good 4 days before i can begin testing, and i am running out of distractions

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260 Replies • 6 years ago



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Replies (sorted by laughs)

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YHis is my first time charting... 9 dpo and it seems I a already out

6 years ago

Hey you never know, you could be implanting 9dpo is the most common day. Do not lose hope. They have averages for temps, but it isn't set in stone due to we all have different bodies, and different things that play into symptoms, temping, and so on. We are unique lift that chin up Mary!

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6 years ago • Post starter

Hey! I’m out. AF showed her ugly face. I did want to pop in to mention that I have noticed a trend that my BBT seems to drop around 7-9dpo every cycle! But it could be a promising symptom!!

6 years ago

Sorry to hear butler, i hate to hear of af showing for you ladies. I want you all to get you bfp's!!!

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6 years ago • Post starter

I hope you ladies all have a fantastic weekend. Or week since you're several hours behind me. I will update Monday! Ya'll have truly been a solace during this cycle, and even if I get af next week I will look forward to having ya'll around for iui #2!

6 years ago

Sorry AF showed up.

Does your temp go up again after the 9 dpo drop ?

6 years ago

I appreciate the sympathy from everybody! I still wish you all the biggest fattest positives in the world!
Mary, yes my temp always goes back up after a dip.

6 years ago

Is everybody in here doing iui?

6 years ago

@Butler- sorry to hear - I should be joining you soon& I think everyone might be different but I’m just doing the old fash way .@Taylor- yes let us know!

It’s like 2 am and I woke up a few hours ago w bad AF type cramps. She’s due within 24 hours so I’m pretty sure she’s showing up as scheduled.. but as of now the awful headache I’ve had for 2 days feels better


6 years ago • Edited

Hi! Currently 9dpo and have tested a few times because I’m super impatient. All BFN but I have so many symptoms that are not at all typical of PMS for me. Tingling, warm sensation in both breasts, super sensitive nipples, more cm than normal, I had 2-3 days of a pinching/pulling/dull cramping in uterus. We had IUI done 11 days ago so now we wait and wait and wait. AF due in 2 days.

6 years ago

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